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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Lucky_Strike-85 on 2024-01-11 21:48:00+00:00.
I feel like if jobs are lost and the worker economy is upended, well, so be it. We're all gonna have to adjust, the rules will have to be re-written, and AI will have to pick up slack. |
I'm more interested in goods, services, and basic necessities becoming less scarce and cost deflating.
I wanna see healthcare cost decrease by 100x or 1000x (it should be universal anyway), and I wanna see food and housing decrease by 1000x or 10,000x.
Because the 2020s are a dystopia in the West. And, as a millennial, I'll go further and say we've been edging toward an unaffordability crisis since WALL STREET murdered the economy in 2008 for their own benefits.
Deflation will be a great thing... if we're all still working, GREAT. I'm ready. I just want a more humane, more accessible, more affordable, and more sustainable world.
Chime in with what you wanna see.