Not Jewish but I get this a lot as a brown person.
I can go, "Ah yeah this racist thing happen" and some knuckle dragger goes, "No it didn't. They would be breaking the law."
Like okay?
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
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Not Jewish but I get this a lot as a brown person.
I can go, "Ah yeah this racist thing happen" and some knuckle dragger goes, "No it didn't. They would be breaking the law."
Like okay?
It's just gaslighting plain and simple.
Like we don't remember what happened in school, in college or fucking last week.
Jewish, not brown, for what it's worth, but it sounds like we may have had similar experiences here.
Friendly reminder that a lot of heinous stuff is now legal because the Supreme Court gutted the VRA on the grounds that racism isn't real anymore.
The more I find out about other minorities, their struggles, issues and history, the more I realize that we have way more that unites us than divides us.
Having long chats with Szekler and Roma people helped open my eyes to the fact that discrimination is incredibly similar no matter who the target is. I don't speak their native languages or fully understand the culture, but the history and treatment by the majority is very similar as a Jew.
Check out Howard Zinn's People's History.
Fucking Onion makes me exhale loudly in a public place once again!