Which one is the best? Wikipedia did not mention a „winner“
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Getting feedback from people who used the best and most effective methods in this manual has proven difficult...
There are more modern, and updated references. Final exit international publishes a ebook surveying methods, and has a community for helping prepare for the transition. wiki
A community with more active information being updated bimonthly is Peaceful Pill (wiki)
Exit (Peaceful Pill) has a large support organization and active forums for members. They often do webinars talking about end of life planning, estate planning, insurance, etc.
Both organizations charge a small fee for the ebooks but you can easily find it on the high seas (fmhy/LibGen)
But to answer your question about winners, Nitrogen displacement, and Nembutal appear to be the most favored.
Which one is the best? Wikipedia did not mention a „winner“
Probably some hypoxia-related one.
Carbon monoxide poisoning is a popular method in Japan for being relatively clean, easy, and painless.
I actually own this book. Haven't read it yet, just found it interesting and bought it.