"should [be] emulated" or "should [have been immo]lated"?
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50 ~~Helens~~Karens agree
"get them while they are young"
These are the people calling queer folk groomers.
Fucking fascists.
- Claims to grow patriotism through literacy
- Doesn’t properly terminate quote with quotation marks.
Pfft. My racism deserves better! I’ll keep shopping for a fringe group of racist weirdos, thanks.
Doesn’t properly terminate quote with quotation marks.
Ha! Hitler was apparently in Proverbs
A lot of those people already have one foot in the grave. I'm so sick of the "fuck 'em, I got mine" mentality.
Elwood: "I hate ~~Illinois~~ Tennessee Nazis..."
“Let’s put the one black woman front and center in front of a sea of white women and act like we’re not racist.”
they put a minority person in each row, in the same column
In a joint statement the ADL and AIPAC say, "..."
Is this for real?
Well they just posted this to their frontpage so it looks like they were forced to walk it back. But yeah, apparently so.
Statement on The Literacy Program
“The document has been removed from our website because it inaccurately reflected our intentions. There is no doubt that Hitler was an evil man who led atrocities against humanity, and we must learn from this horrific time in history so that it is never repeated again. As we move forward, we will be more careful with our word choice and ensure the resources are presented with that important context.”
"more careful" hahhaha.. "Oopsie we called Hitler a role model. What a silly mistake"
And then right below it a "we stand with Israel" banner. You can't make this shit up.
Smells like Elon's Nazi salute excuse.
Pretty sure it is Elmo's wharrgarbling