When I grow up I wanna art like you!
Art Shareπ¨
This is a friendly community for everyone who wants to share their art with the world! Everyone is welcomed π¨
AI Art: While we appreciate AI generated art, there are more appropriate communities to post that type of art to. Please keep posts to non-AI generated art only. This rule includes AI art that was then manually manipulated (e.g. drawing on top of something generated by AI).
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Spam: Please do not spam this community. Self promotion is fine if you just want people to be aware of your work, but blatant attempts at spam will result in the past being removed and possibly a ban. If you aren't sure if what you are posting is spam, please contact the moderator first.
Conduct: Be nice, and don't be a jerk. Constructive criticism is OK, but don't be mean. Encouragement is always welcomed.
You will likely become way better than I if you are doing it at a young age. I started very late.
I have a grandchild... So maybe I'm out of time π.
I'd love to hear about your workflow process, brushes you use, and so on.
well, I use Krita and I only rely on default brushes. I use one with a bit of smear effect. I usually draw on a single layer and I paint in a fidgety manner, which means I am constantly making mistakes and fixing them. I peeked at your profile, you are damn talented yourself! kudos!
Thank you, trying to get there. And this is helpful and justifying.
Tomorrow I go to paint from a live model for the first time. I'm excited and nervous. But unlike most of my paintings I'll use a tablet connected to a PC instead of my phone.
Holy shit, i thought this was a photo at first. π
awww, that's a big compliment! Actually, I am not a fan of too much realism but I just put too much detail around their nose and then I sort of had to do the same to the whole piece.
I like it that it really pulls in the focus to the most important aspect, great work!
Ah I love this! Such a precious moment so wonderfully painted!
Thank you, that's nice!