This message isn't directed strictly at you, OP, it's just an argument I find myself repeating and it aligns with what you're saying.
Social security, job security, livable wages, class solidarity and affordable universal healthcare are all very much self-serving goals. Even if you care nothing about the poor, the sick, the unemployed or anyone else, the security and benefits you gain from socialised bargaining power will most likely benefit you.
Unless you're born rich enough that none of these things matter to you, you'll probably never ascend into that class either. Hard work alone doesn't get you wealthy any more, it just makes you a more exploitable slave.
If you want a better life, progressive economic ideals are the best wagon you can jump on. Forget about religion, immigrants, race, trans bathrooms and all that - we can sort that out separately, but economic policy at least will unambiguously serve you too.
Note on the last bit: I expect that improving material conditions will lower the resistance to improvement of social conditions too and rob bigotry of much of its fuel.