I always felt the best ones were the ones that had visible fights on screen, like Chrono Trigger, and if you actually just did all those you'd be perfectly leveled the entire way through the game.
Final Fantasy is in weird place here because it has random battles, but also had plenty of non random battles and if you just did all the non random ones and avoided as much random fighting, as you possibly could, you'd also be pretty balanced against the bosses when you made it to them.
But things like Dragon Quest and even Secret of Mana, which I loved, relied heavily on staying in one area and just grinding to get to the appropriate power level to reasonably fight the next boss. I hate this. Once I've explored a zone, I want to move on. It should have been balanced that once I poke around in every nook and cranny, I should be ready to move on.
There's nothing worse than fully exploring everywhere you can, doing all side attractions and what not then moving to the boss to open up more of the game only to be slapped with doing marginal damage and dying to a single attack because you didn't complete 17,000 fights against the same 4 enemies yet.