X-Men, Animorphs, Digimon, Avatar the Last Airbender, Naruto, Fire Emblem, Batman Family, quiet a few JRPGs....
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What's interesting about Animorphs is that it actually showed how being turned into a child soldier fucks a kid up.
Animorphs slaps for this reason among many yeah. Its incredible how much genuinely thoughtful stuff is packed into these short little pop novels for kids lmao.
Earth Federation Forces most moral army in the galaxy...using child soldiers to win world war 3.
Couldn't agree more. Disgusting behavior
looks at your profile pic
Me sowing: "Oh sweet, now I'm going to train and mentor the special Gundam boy, but I'll just not suck at it."
Me reaping: "Oh god, oh fuck, my psychic child soldier is in a coma now. Gonna dip out for a while."
In all fairness to Digimon, it was a computer program recruiting child soldiers and no one designed the program.
But my child soldier family is different!
New Slop: Suicide Squad Babies!
Baby Geniuses: Special Ops
The Found Family trope always has me in tears
But I was told we were beasts of no nation
snaps fingers