this post was submitted on 27 Aug 2024
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top 48 comments
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[–] 47 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

When the US Navy ship that built the jetty in Gaza left port in the US to go to Gaza, they also played the imperial march.

[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago

First time as farce, second time as clownish farce. marx-joker

[–] 41 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I fucking hate disney fascism

[–] 30 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

yea it's the worst combo of cutesy "teehee I'm just like the cool epic bad guys from my favorite media franchise" and barefaced bloodsoaked murder. Disney fascism and it's associated "empire did nothing wrong" line of thought was one of the reasons I killed my last bit of interest in Star Wars. The original movies had the audience (rightfully) siding with the Vietcong and other resistance groups but overtime that was untenable because of course the average Imperial Core resident can only identify & sympathize with the dominating imperial power. Sure they'll pay lip service to being the rebel alliance/resistance because they know they're supposed to, but the number of people with stormtrooper family stickers on the back of their cars speaks volumes. They know their place in the imperial power structure and so they must support the genocidal fascist empire because that's what they benefit from in their day-to-day life. Just as an example, take the "jokes" that the rebels destroying the Death Star was actually bad because of all the civilian contractors aboard it. They can't (or won't) come to the realization that those "civilian contractors" are just as fucking guilty as the literal nazi-coded stormtroopers. And it's the same irl. American troops are just innocent bystanders even as they bomb refugees and invade half the planet.

[–] 22 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

one of the reasons I killed my last bit of interest in Star Wars

Did you watch Andor? You really should, it's based on the life of Stalin and is quite possibly the best piece of star wars media ever created.

[–] 16 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

quite possibly the best piece of star wars media ever created.

That's an incredibly bold claim! ...also it's an incredibly accurate claim! Lol.

For real though: one criticism of star wars that has always been legitimate is that it falls into the trap of making fascism look really cool and failson cop from Andor is just such a fucking wonderful and brilliant in universe takedown and middle finger to people with a stormtrooper fantasy.

Andor has actually been a double edged sword for me. Its so fucking good that it basically shattered my ability to delude myself into believing that 99% of star wars content wasn't completely disposable drivel. I remember sitting in silence at the end of the last episode just wondering how I was ever supposed to give a crap about all this babyshit ever again. I haven't even bothered to finish the latest season of the Mandalorian let alone the acolyte.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

For real though: one criticism of star wars that has always been legitimate is that it falls into the trap of making fascism look really cool and failson cop from Andor is just such a fucking wonderful and brilliant in universe takedown and middle finger to people with a stormtrooper fantasy.

Yes precisely. The show is VERY good at making the empire into the evil horror that they truly are, the director plays off parts of the series like a literal horror movie with the empire as a monster preying on the victims while simultaneously showing that it is filled with the most awful and pathetic people alive.

I remember sitting in silence at the end of the last episode just wondering how I was ever supposed to give a crap about all this babyshit ever again.

Yeah it's really that good. By far the best thing this franchise has ever created. I'm very concerned that series 2 will be interfered with in a way that is detrimental but I'm pleased that series 1 will always exist, particularly because of who it's based on and the implications that has for anyone that considers the rebellion the good guys.

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago

I have, it's the one good exception among the rest of the fascist Disney slop. If they were making more shows/movies like that maybe there wouldn't be so many empire stans (wishful thinking) but I'll be surprised if they make anything else as good as Andor

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Andor is a series, it covers the back story of Andor, a character who is essential to the start of the rebels.

Anyone that thinks it is cool that Lucas based Star Wars on Vietnam, it is cooler that this series is based on Stalin. Had execs at Disney known I sincerely doubt it would have ever been allowed.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Damn, that honestly sounds really cool.

I have a strict rule after getting burned by Dexter and Game of Thrones not to watch shows that aren't finished already, but I would definitely love to watch that.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Season 1 is "complete" in the sense that it ends well enough to ignore everything that comes after it in my opinion. If everything is trash that follows nothing can change season 1 being an enormous endorsement of Stalin while simultaneously being the best thing this franchise has ever made.

The series is a leftist revolutionary's wet dream, watch it.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Hmm. Okay, I'll break my rule just this once. For Comrade Stalin.


[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Come back and let me know what you think when you get into it! It's super different to usual star wars slop.

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

From "Galactic Empire Did Nothing Wrong" to NAFO-like "Grey Jedi" power fantasy theorycrafters (Jedi were revealed to be child-indoctrinating magic cop tools of the state but still), Star Wars has been in ideological decay for a long, long time.

It's actually rare to see anyone in the internet wild that actually prefers the Rebel Alliance.

[–] 14 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

There was also "the Empire was proven right when they built a fascist militaristic state because the Yuuzhan Vong invaded" from the EU.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Oh lord I try to forget about that "ACKTUALLY the Emperor did nothing wrong and was just planning ahead to beat the disgusting alien hoards invading from the unknown!" reasoning. Fucking "empire did nothing wrong" promoters are just fash.

I swear you could make the star wars equivalent of "Come and See" and you'd have people talking about how it goes as actually necessary to genocide and enslave everyone who wasn't part of the "in group" and stormtroopers needed to join to get healthcare and career opportunities

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

I swear you could make the star wars equivalent of "Come and See" and you'd have people talking about how it goes as actually necessary to genocide and enslave everyone who wasn't part of the "in group" and stormtroopers needed to join to get healthcare and career opportunities

Um, sweetie, it was the Will of the Force and it had to happen that way to get destiny shit done. smuglord

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

OH SHIT I FORGOT the "Diversity Alliance" in the EU which was actually a front to make the invasion of the Vuuzhan Vong easier pronouns

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Lmfao are you fucking kidding me? I never read much of the Vong stuff, mainly skimmed wookiepedia for that era, but you're telling me the Vong quislings called themselves the "Diversity Alliance"? If Disney hadn't axed the expanded universefrothingfash would be having a field day with that

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Lmfao are you fucking kidding me? I never read much of the Vong stuff, mainly skimmed wookiepedia for that era, but you're telling me the Vong quislings called themselves the "Diversity Alliance"?


[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

Oh right, the thinly-repainted Space Taliban mission-accomplished

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

It's kind of funny it's called the EU especially in the context of this post

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Remember the "Diversity Alliance" in the EU which was actually a front to make the invasion of the Vuuzhan Vong easier? pronouns

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'll never stop linking this video whenever this topic comes up:

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

Yea that tracks, I'm surprised they didn't edit it so the tie fighter is strafing Palestinians

[–] 38 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

US navy should play yakity sax right as they crash into some bridge support.

[–] 17 points 3 weeks ago

The Ever Given should blare "I'll Stick Around" by the Foo Fighters and/or "Like a Stone" by Audioslave the next time it's in the Suez

[–] 26 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)


"Just like in the treats." say-the-line-bart-2

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Another day more UlyssesT bangers

[–] 26 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 22 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Mark my words, the chanification of the right is going to be so absolute the right will gleefully identify themselves as IRL villains.

[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago

How many years until homelander is cited during a White House speech?

[–] 21 points 3 weeks ago

What's the problem? The OG Nazis played the space Nazi song for their Terf Island friends because they knew nobody would appreciate an evil empire more than them.

[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago
[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

If you say the words "German naval vessel in London" loud enough Churchill wakes from his grave and starts saying misogynistic quips and drinking all the gin

[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

they just like it because it sounds like Wagner.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago

Nazis never liked Wagner, right? anakin-padme-2

Nazis never liked Wagner, right? anakin-padme-4

[–] 16 points 3 weeks ago

Germany must perish

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This is such a German thing, like only a German could do that because it's so dumb and without any finesse at all.

I mean the whole ship is a German CORVETTE. If you know anything about ships, a corvette is like the lamest warship. The Russians have some interesting designs with like 8 or 16 killer anti ship missiles and they are called missile corvettes, but the German ships don't have anything like that, they're just boring coastal patrol vessels, basically. I'm sure the Thames has seen more impressive ships, and even the dumb German navy has bigger and more impressive ships (which still suck, but they're bigger) so one of those lame duck corvettes playing the Imperial March is just wrong.

And on top of that the whole thing is so German, like the captain is a dull rules-obsessed boomer officer, and he probably really though he was so funny and did a great practical joke, but of course it comes out all wrong and coarse. And then on top of that, THE BRITISH ACTUALLY REPORT IT AS FUNNY! Don't you guys have some self respect. Like Donald Trump says, sad!

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It's basically the same class of ship the US, China, and Russia use as coast guard cutters. I often find it more than a little entertaining how most Navies outside the great powers label as warships what amount to coastal patrol vessels meant for civilian police actions in litoral water. Is something really a blue water Navy when you don't even have the ships to assemble a Navy strike group (1 cruiser for command & control, 3 to 6 destroyers, and 1 attack submarine)?

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Or to put it the other way around: what much of the world considers a warship, the hyper-militarized US uses as a speedboat for lake cops.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

German corvettes are very chunky though. They're quite a lot larger than Russian and Chinese ones.

Their Baden-Württemberg class frigate is a destroyer in all but name. It's fairly close to the size of a few missile cruisers.

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago
[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What if this video but it fucking sucked lol

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: