If you crit fail the charisma check do the gym bros think you're hitting on them?
UK Memes
They all think you're mocking them and a turn-based battle commences.
Pro Tip: If you are an attractive female and are at the gym, find a guy busting his ass (lifting weights, doing cardio, etc), preferably by himself (not with “the guys” or trying to impress anyone), and tell him you think he is doing great and that he looks great. Then walk away.
You will likely make his day. This will work even if he is gay.
Pro tip: if you are even a somewhat average looking woman and are remotely nice to or smile in the general direction of a man, there is a very real possibility that he will decide you're flirting with him and get uncomfortably creepy and refuse to take any hints to the contrary.
Yes but then he'll instantly fall for you
But what if you are really unattractive one? Should you leverage it for motivation by the opposite approach and yell: work harder you lazy sack!