Me when I castle using my opponents rook
Holy hell
Other chess communities:
Do it, or ban
Is OP going to deliver?
There should be two black pawns there and the white pawn captures both of them with one move. Chess masters hate this one weird trick!
you can't just say "en passant"
Jesus Fucking Christ what are you fucking stupid? Read the god damn pinned mod comment on every post on r/chessbegginers, read the god damn wiki, read the god damn info button that pops up on chess.c0m, here's a thought just google it your god damn self. What do you think you're the first person in fucking history to experience this "weird pawn move?" You must be fucking stupid because it was only invented back in 1561. But I'm sure you thought "oh wow I know chess.c0m is a company valued in the hundreds of millions but I'm sure me, 100 ELO shit tier chess beginner, has found a bug in their program." It boggles my god damn mind that you just blindly post your stupid fucking questions on reddit without trying to research them first. Because you must be the first person in fucking history to ever experience a problem, and logically reddit, the source of all fucking factual information, is the only god damn place you can look for an answer. So here's a fucking thought the next time you're about to make a god damn post stop and google e-n p-a-s-s-a-n-t.
I know it's copy pasta, but can you please swap out reddit for lemmy?
As an mBin user, I am offended
This guy's right actually. If you jump two lanes, it's an en passassant
en p[ass]^𝘯^ant. Where n is the number of lanes.
This but unironically
What does "ironically" mean?
Literally anything, at this point.
How ironic.
This but ironically
stompin paw's
You're gonna need to raise the stakes a bit faster I think
Rice rice
The meta feels slower here.
Fat passant