this post was submitted on 29 Mar 2023
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i’m about to start a 5-7 page research paper for my world history class about any significant historical events, people, ideological movements, etc., that take place anywhere between 1500-now and i’m not 100% sure about what to write. i was kinda interested in maybe writing about the french revolution but i’m sure there’s better stuff out there, i was also considering writing about marxism/class struggle or the russian revolution but idk if it’s a good idea to go full blown tankie LMAO but i might change my mind idk

so yeah just wondering if anyone can think of any fun topics to research and write about for my paper, any personal favorite pieces of history in that time frame, etc?

edit: i don’t have the time to respond to every comment but all these suggestions are amazing i’m definitely going to use one of these, thank you everyone!

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[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Monroe Doctrine and its consequences

Various CIA operations and planned operations that involved US citizens/US soil (Northwoods, drug trafficking, MKULTRA, and human experimentation in general - it goes beyond LSD)

Cuba’s MODERN literacy program and how it compares to western/capitalist programs (Cuba’s programs are being used by tens of millions of underserved people)

Superimperialism - how the US got off the gold standard and dominated the world with less overt war

Strategy of tension, GLADIO, blowback

The history of industrialization and capitalism. You can probably sneak in a little about how it’s time to find an “alternative”

Shock doctrine is post-communist states around the world

The Warlord Era of china (this one is wild)