Not in that French, but my army time included some phrases like "quest-ce qui se shake?" And "comment ça-haps?".
As long as the 22me were talking slow enough that it didn't sound like "wawawawa" then we heard a lot of fromage like this. And I'm not gonna accuse a 22me of speaking mere franglais! :-D
As you're coming from I'm going to assume you're Canadian. And not from Corsica, nor a guppy. In which case.
Canadian French is so fucked up. I worked in mineral exploration for a long time, and for whatever reason, a lot of drillers in the industry came from Val d'Or or similar, even if they're drilling in northern Manitoba. I'd hear things like "qu'est-ce que fuck man, the lines, ils ont gelée" great times.
Cherchez la vache!
Fetchez -- which is funnier because the word doesn't exist in french and it's proper franglais.
Lol that is funnier.
Not in that French, but my army time included some phrases like "quest-ce qui se shake?" And "comment ça-haps?".
As long as the 22me were talking slow enough that it didn't sound like "wawawawa" then we heard a lot of fromage like this. And I'm not gonna accuse a 22me of speaking mere franglais! :-D
As you're coming from I'm going to assume you're Canadian. And not from Corsica, nor a guppy. In which case.
Canadian French is so fucked up. I worked in mineral exploration for a long time, and for whatever reason, a lot of drillers in the industry came from Val d'Or or similar, even if they're drilling in northern Manitoba. I'd hear things like "qu'est-ce que fuck man, the lines, ils ont gelée" great times.