this post was submitted on 09 Jan 2024
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For owls that are superb.

US Wild Animal Rescue Database: Animal Help Now

International Wildlife Rescues:

Australia Rescue Help: WIRES

Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Italy Wild Bird Rescue:

If you find an injured owl:

Note your exact location so the owl can be released back where it came from. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitation specialist to get correct advice and immediate assistance.

Minimize stress for the owl. If you can catch it, toss a towel or sweater over it and get it in a cardboard box or pet carrier. It should have room to be comfortable but not so much it can panic and injure itself. If you can’t catch it, keep people and animals away until help can come.

Do not give food or water! If you feed them the wrong thing or give them water improperly, you can accidentally kill them. It can also cause problems if they require anesthesia once help arrives, complicating procedures and costing valuable time.

If it is a baby owl, and it looks safe and uninjured, leave it be. Time on the ground is part of their growing up. They can fly to some extent and climb trees. If animals or people are nearby, put it up on a branch so it’s safe. If it’s injured, follow the above advice.

For more detailed help, see the OwlPages Rescue page.

founded 2 years ago

This is an amazing owl I came across last night. Such wonderful coloration and texture to its appearance. It reminds me of a lightly charred log from a campfire. Nice high resolution photos too, so you can really check out all the details.

Photos and descriptions by Hari K Patibanda

Mottled Wood Owl Sighting by chance

A large owl around 50 cms tall and sighted in thick canopy cover. The Owl is exclusive to India and due to the Mottled body colors, is hard to spot without a call. It is known as a strong predator and is a true Nocturnal Owl unlike several others which are mostly twilight / crepuscular.

It was quite by chance that we came across the bird perched on a lovely tree. The day was very cloudy and that maybe the reason why the Owl was seen so late!

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[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah that camouflage is pretty amazing. And I've been really surprised how many of these owls you're posting are in the tropics?! My whole life, I thought of owls as cold weather birds for some reason.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's one of the really neat things I'm able to appreciate about the owls at this point. I'm starting to get to more abstract species trying to find ones I haven't seen yet that are visually different than more well known ones, and finding ones like this that are so different from any other blows my mind. Even the ones that live near wherever we're all from are mysterious to us due to their nature, so it's hard to comprehend the expansiveness of the world of owls. Some like the Barred and Barn are so successful they are almost everywhere, and others like the various Pacific Island species are only found in 1 unique ecosystem in the whole world, but they have been successful at doing that for tens of thousands of years.

I forget if it was you the other day that commented first about not knowing about the tropic owls, but I like comments like that since it gives me something more specific to post about for you guys. I want to make sure I keep it fresh and get to keep showing you new things to keep you excited about owls. Some of these obscure guys can be hard to find pics of, but to me I'll take a meh pic of an owl I don't see much over a high quality hundredth pic of a common one. I love them all, but I need that variety!

So if there's anything else anyone is curious about, don't be afraid to say something. I won't ever try to make anyone look dumb, and I'll try to find an answer to whatever I can. After all, I'm not anywhere close to an expert on any of this, just a fan like you all.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well I really appreciate the effort you put into this. It's so much fun to read these posts and learn about owls I would never have known existed otherwise. Like, somehow I could always imagine like sparrows being this diverse, but it would never have occurred to me that owls are as well.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Ironically, what I do giving them exposure is probably what an owl would want the least...their whole thing is being unseen and unheard, and I go around messing it up every day! 😅

I'm glad you enjoy it, I know I've learned more than I thought possible about them too.