New Chappelle special searing hourlong takedown of trans cashier who forgot to smile at him
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I mean, it's not like he was a lot funnier in the past. I think his performance is pretty much the same. How people perceive comedy is subjective of course, but I don't think I never really laughed at his stuff. Smiled perhaps.
His delivery is some sort of interesting though and he's fun to listen to.
I disagree with this point, I thought he was fucking hilarious before. but he is so goddamn preachy now even not counting the trans stuff.
Yeah, that's true for sure. And it is tiring.
I disagree. His old material was hilarious. And still is, IMO.
So you agree that how people perceive comedy is subjective, I guess. Could it be that he ridiculed people you don't care about before?
I don't care about trans people though.
As humans, yes, sure. But their group identity carries no special valence for me.
So I think you raise a reasonable point, but I don't think it's an influence here.