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Almost all of the people I know who bitch about these features being gone never really utilized them in the first place. Quite frankly I think it’s more about being contrarian than anything.
Virtually no one I know carried around multiple batteries or needed more storage. The only people I knew who carried around multiple batteries were people who worked in carriers where easy access to charging wasn’t available. Phone storage is so large now it’s not really believable really anyone needs expandable storage. Hell, I have a 128gb iPhone with literally thousands of pictures and videos going all the way back to 2012, audio books, and digital books on it and still have room to spare. Sure there’s going to be the rare exception, but those people are the outliers not everyone else.
Wired headphones, I literally can’t tell the difference in sound quality between my AirPods and wired earbuds, and again, neither can most people. Bluetooth earbuds are SO convenient. They literally make some things so much easier and in some scenarios safer.
There is absolutely no sense here. We should remove options for all people based on what your experience is? It's almost like giving options is painful? And I'd carry batteries if it was an option, and I did when it was an option a looooooong time ago. I have a bunch of storage on my phone and and sd card and google drive and my own nas. I'd use a headphone jack every single day if I had one, but I don't have one.
You speak as if giving people options would take something away from you. Wouldn't it be best if we could all get what we want? Anyway, this is all done so apple and android manufacturers can make more money. Literally none of these changes were done so you could live a better life
Battery: I don't want to carry around a spare bit I want to be able to easily replace one at the and off is life. I bought an ifixit replacement kit for my S10+ and still didn't find the courage to try it.
Storage: I don't want to use cloud storage for my pictures so I have a large SD card just for images and videos. If I switch phones I just switch the card.
Headphone jack: I lose bt earpieces. Had three pairs up to now and all I have left is one piece of each. I lose wired headphones sometimes to but not as frequent and they are way cheaper. Also ease of use I think bt never really matured, yes it got way better but still had it's quirks. Wired headphones, just plug then in.
"Virtually no one I know carried around multiple batteries or needed more storage"
Removable batteries are less about being able to Cary multiple and more about being able to swap them out with ease when they go bad. People that keep their phones for longer then a year or two will notice the decrease in battery life that can only be fixed with a new battery.
Phone storage has improved a lot and I kindof agree with you on this one, though having the option would still be nice. I also often used them for rooting phones and flashing an OS. That's edge case though.
Bluetooth costs more and is another thing that you need to charge. I'm so tired of needing to charge everything.
Yes, but batteries break, so do headphones. You shouldn't advocate for less options, just makes you seem like a shill.