this post was submitted on 29 Jan 2025
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How does that help?
I didn't read the article, I came here for the jokes but then you got me curious
So my understanding is that
On top of that if you want to lock down further, it's easier to use a privacy respecting browser than it is to sandbox the apps to. For the average person it's easier to go from using the app to opening the website in a browser, than it is to swap their OS to GrapheneOS and set up sandboxing
That's also why a lot of websites mess with the mobile site, they want you to use the app
I can tell you exactly what data an app can connect since I'm an android developer, but not web since I can't dev JavaScript. My understanding is that the gap is quite small.
About "always running" that's a complicated scenario and that's not the best way to put into layman terms. And it has improved heaps in the last 5 years, gradually.
Marketers love these apps because they could send you notifications, " reminding" you that you've not being using the app enough and driving "engagement". There's heaps of companies whose main or only product is give marketers a dashboard to send push with pre sets targeting user profiles.
Good to know, thank you!