this post was submitted on 18 Jan 2025
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Oh, him stealing money is not my concern. He's a millionaire, he already has plenty of venues to make more money than humanly conceivable.
The concern is that he can compromise the mission on the nonprofit side with decisions made as a leader of the for profit company with lesser oversight and higher discretion. Because he wears the same hat of the person that should be his counterpart. And there would be a delay for evaluation of his actions as the board won't supervise his every move day to day, that's not what they're there for and most boards delegate this discretion to executives with explicit clauses to only evaluate strategic performance. That can be manipulated given enough time and resources.
As for making money out of nonprofits, I envy your naïveté. I shall suggest you read "The revolution will not be funded", for a clear example of how nonprofits are exploited to make more money for the trustees.
The swiss government might prosecute a person for fraud if they're accused, but otherwise won't move a single finger if a nonprofit is not fulfilling their mission. They're even more liberal regarding freedom of association than the US. Removing board members is not a power they have, such a thing infringes on fundamental human rights.