this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2024
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Helmeted demonstrators on a grassy bank, armed with flagpoles, c. 1970s. Photo credit Takashi Hamaguchi

On this day in 1966, the Japanese government announced the construction of an airport on farmland in rural Sanrizuka, without permission of displaced locals. The struggle was led by the Sanrizuka-Shibayama United Opposition League against Construction of the Narita Airport, which locals formed under the leadership of opposition parties the Communist Party and Socialist Party. The struggle resulted in significant delays in the opening of the airport, as well as deaths on both sides.

At its height, the union mobilised 17,500 people for a general rally, while thousands of riot police were brought in on several occasions.

The area around Sanrizuka had been farmland since the Middle Ages, and, prior to the 1940s, much of the land had been privately owned by the Japanese Imperial Household.

Many locals were economically reliant on the Imperial estate at Goryō Farm, and local farmers had a strong economic and emotional attachment to the land. After Japan's defeat in World War II, large tracts of royal land were sold off and subsequently settled by poor rural laborers.

In the 1960s, the Japanese government planned to build a second airport in the Tokyo area to support Japan's rapid economic development. After meeting resistance from locals on the site's first chosen location, the rural town of Tomisato, the government was donated remaining land in Sanrizuka by the Imperial Family.

Locals in Sanrizuka were outraged when the government announced its plans. The Sanrizuka-Shibayama United Opposition League Against the Construction of Narita Airport (or Hantai Dōmei) was formed in 1966, and began to engage in a variety of tactics of resistance, including legal buy-ups, sit-ins, and occupations.

Meanwhile, the Japanese radical student movement was growing, and the League soon formed an alliance with active New Left groups; one major factor drawing the groups the together was that, under the US-Japan Security Treaty, the US military had free access to Japanese air facilities. As a result, it was likely the airport would be used for transporting troops and arms in the Vietnam War.

The demonstrators built huts and watchtowers along proposed construction sites. On October 10th, 1967, the government attempted to conduct a land survey, backed by over 2000 riot police. Clashes quickly broke out, and Hantai Domei leader Issaku Tomura was photographed being brutalized by police, further inflaming anti-airport sentiment.

Protests further grew and intensified over the next few years as the state pressed on with attempts to build the airport. Protestors would dig into the ground, build fortifications, and arm themselves against police. Construction was delayed by years, and the conflict would cost the government billions of yen.

On September 16th, 1971, three police officers were killed during an eminent domain expropriation. Four days later, police forcibly removed and destroyed the house of an elderly woman, an incident that became yet another symbol of state oppression to the opposition.

One student committed suicide, saying in his suicide note that "I detest those who brought the airport to this land". In 1972, the protestors built a 60 meter-high steel tower near the runway in order to disrupt flight tests. Conflict continued through much of the 1970s.

In 1977, the government announced plans to open the airport within the year. In May, police destroyed the tower while demonstrators attempted to cling on to it, provoking a new wave of widespread conflict. One protestor was killed after being struck in the head by a tear gas canister. In March 1978, the first runway was set to open, but a few days prior, a group of saboteurs burrowed into the main control tower, barricaded themselves inside, and proceeded to lay waste to the tower's equipment and infrastructure, delaying the opening yet again to May 20th, 1978.

Resistance continued after the airport was opened. Although many locals began to accept the airport and leave the land, the focus of Hantai Dōmei shifted to opposing plans for additional terminals and runways, as the airport's current size still only reflected a fraction of initial plans.

Clashes continued through the 1980s - on October 20th, 1985, members of the communist New Left group Chukaku-ha broke though police lines with logs and flagpoles, successfully attacking infrastructure in one of the last large-scale battles of the resistance campaign. Guerilla actions and bombings continued as late as the 1990s.

Although this campaign of resistance has largely shifted out of public attention in Japan, its presence is still felt: until 2015, all visitors were required to present ID cards for security reasons, and the airport still remains only a third of its initially-planned size. The Sanrizuka Struggle has never completely ended, and the Opposition League still exists and holds rallies.

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[–] 16 points 2 months ago (1 children)

my food is gonna blow people's dicks away tonight, they're gonna be like, fuck, damn this cracker can roast

The vegan dish tonight is portabellos stuffed with a ratatouille I'm about to make. Got those fuckers marinating in a red wine vinaigrette i made, they're gonna bring these people to flavor country

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (2 children)

😭 I want to go to flavor country, this sounds incredible

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Here's how I made it (to the bestv of my recollection):

Diced up a butternut squash (supposed to be eggplant but there weren't any), dice 3 red bell peppers, two small zucchini, mince up some parsley, mince up some garlic (by some I mean, with this quantity, literally like 10-15 cloves, I used a literal handful of minced garlic), and dice up two onions. Oh and I like to run like a quart of cherry tomatoes through the food processor to add. I think that's about it

Then saute the onion and peppers a bit before adding the squash and zucchini. Season it all with salt and pepper. Cook that for a bit and then add the garlic, cook that for a couple minutes (I like to cook both onions and garlic until they start to caramelize, fuck "sweating" shit) and then add llike two big handfuls of tomato paste, just glob that on in there

Stir and cook the tomato paste for a few minutes until it starts to loosen up and also caramelize further, then add the diced cherry tomatoes, and llike idk I think I put in like 2 cups of red wine vinegar and then about 4 cups of cheap burgundy cooking wine. The recipe called for much less but I wanted to have that reduced wine flavor so I cooked it down

Add some thyme, paprika and cayenne (the recipe called for hot sauce but idk i figured that's better than Texas pete) and stir it up and then let it simmer until the squash and everything is tender

For the mushrooms once you prepare the portabellos I just made a red wine vinaigrette with a shitload of garlic in it, to the point it emulsified the whole thing, and marinated them in it before roasting

Then I put the mushrooms on a bed of kale I blanched and glob on the ratatouille

I'm pretty sure this is all I did but tbh i loosely follow the recipes and cook on vibes

P.s. parsley goes on at the end as garnish but put some in the ratatouille too

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

Learn how to make it its super easy

I regret making it so good because they fucking ate all of it when usually maybe 2-3 people will eat the vegan food so I had a really fucking fun night running out of literally everything