
joined 1 year ago
[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

"being tired" is a legitimate reason to not want to hang out, it is also an easy excuse with no descernable evidence. Used once it's believable, used lots of times it starts to "feel" like a fake excuse or even a lie.

If your friend thinks you complain about being tired a lot, they are (very likely) trying to say that you're not putting the effort into the friendship they believe they deserve out if you.

As has been said in other comments, it might help to give examples of times where you'll be less tired. Or just invite that friend out at those times.

A friendship dies take effort from both people to maintain. Breaking your cosy sofa time is effort, but if the friend means enough to you then you will sometimes make that effort to see them.

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Chances are (and I'm up for being corrected on this). The bears are being culled to maintain population levels.

In all areas of the world, human interaction with nature means we've upset the usual ecosystem balance. We've moved predator/prey ecosystems, we've changed their sizes and we've decided there are big areas we just don't want the predators. Culling/management is necessary to minimise our further impact.

These bears are going to be shot with or without the furs being used. They're not being killed so someone can have the fancy hats.

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago

Sadly, only somewhat true nowadays.

There are plenty of parts of healthcare that are privatised and pay only. Some of this paid for by the NHS and the current government are attacking the "costs" of that. Especially as the treatments are often more expensive when done privately than they were on the NHS. Dental and optical treatment are privatised now. Much of our ambulance and rescue service are now private or voluntary. We're seeing ever increasing costs for the ambulance services, while watching wait times skyrocket. Given private ambulance firms are measured on a few KPIs, they are targeting those over general care. Many surgeries that used to be covered (such a cleft lip) by the NHS are now regarded as cosmetic and come with insurance deductibles or are not even covered by insurance.

Many industries, such as software development, are offering private cover as a workplace bonus. What that means in reality is when I come off my motorbike, the expensive emergency surgery I need will be covered by an NHS surgeon. The insurance company will then "elect" to pay for me to be moved to a comfortable hotel/hospital where I can stay in comfort. That comfort is what I'll be paying my insurance for, not the actual surgery.

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

You might even be able to afford the "good" healthcare 🤣

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 146 points 9 months ago (19 children)

Health insurance is HOW MUCH!

And there are Brits here saying how great private care is and how much they want it... fucking turkeys to christmas.

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

we did have a meeting each Friday afternoon to go over what we did well that week

In my experience that highlights a difference in each of your "scales"; how long you can concentrate and focus; how often your interruptions are and how aligned your whole team is.

It sounds like you get less interruptions, more focus on items and your team is more aligned. Which means a lower cadence meeting works well, because you can spend more focus time.

For @GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com I suspect they are the opposite. More disruptions and less focus means you need a higher cadence and more chances to keep teammates up to date on who is doing what.

Personally, using teams/slack/whatever to keep up to date on this doesn't work. As you can read on message, think someone is on one thing and miss the next message where they've changed tack. The DSU gives everyone a "reset" point. If you can get away with that weekly, absolutely great.

Where I currently work, SRE (but I'm much more tooling and product focussed and less on-call). My on-call teammates need a daily, I can comfortably join them 2 or 3 times a week on their DSU and not miss things.

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

These are hookers... just expensive ones

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 134 points 1 year ago (7 children)

What the fuck is it called a concession... rather than "fair market price"?

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

Blast freezer. It's about as close as we'll get any time soon. Not an affiliate or anything, just googled and found this bugger (about microwave sized).


[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 36 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I'm not anti US. But given the current state of the Russian forces in Ukraine, the rest of NATO doesn't need US support to defeat any Russian advance.

I highly doubt China wants all out war with NATO, so Russia would be largely alone.

The worst would be if the Cheeto supremo were to try and fight NATO. I'm not sure how much the US military complex would back that though.

[–] withabeard@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's just how the world works.

And that's kind of the discussion here.

Some people are annoyed at the Linux Devs because "fuck it, everyone breaks the law and it doesn't matter". Some people are annoyed at Nvidia because they'd like to uphold or social contracts.

In don't think it's naive to want to live in a world and support a society that supports the law. I do think we have bigger issues that people are happy with this behaviour and are actively defending it.

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