
joined 5 months ago

I second Japan tbh, a country that has invented both video games to talk to women and a dedicated word for living in your childhood bedroom as an adult and like, just the worst culture that like half the guys in my city seem to be in love with...

like, revolving sushi is good but at WHAT COST

one of the quotes on the front page of lemmygrad contrasted soviet women meeting production quotas to american women who's only aspiration are velvety, kissable hands.....

which is a pretty based quote.

but i like having both velvety kissable hands and meeting my production quotas

(well oki not exactly quotas but im an industrial worker lolol)

anyways, a gal never has to choose between soft hands and hard work, that's what gloves and lotion are for :3

[–] 12 points 1 month ago (3 children)

the best part of dating as a cute girl is you can info dump about China on the first date and guys just put up with it lolol

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

proletarian women (me) eat dessert and remain thin because labouring for capitalists is excellent exercise! lolol jk

[–] 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

it's pretty ironic how they won't let Russian or Belarusian athletes represent their countries but the olympics committee is totally fine with the "isreal" even tho it's currently committing a genocide.......

maybe 9/11 was just a marketing ploy for general motors to increase white male anxiety and sell more big pickup trucks ten years later



[–] 25 points 5 months ago

Tips for engaging with the US Military

if they live by u, like on a base, this is some good stuff to do. I can't confirm or deny if I or my friends have engaged in any of this:

  • feed them dog treats: u can dress up like ur handing out free samples at the mall, and give the service members dog treats. it's pretty fun

  • pretend ur out of gas: this is my personal favourite. somewhere near base pretend to have run out of gas. eventually a bunch of jarheads will show up to help you push ur car, stay inside slightly riding the brake. they'll keep trying, let them, but just like really wear them out. for a fun twist, start ur car after they get exhausted and drive away flipping them off

  • set up online dates with them and then don't show up. this one's just funny and obvious

  • send terrible Grindr guys to their room: only do this to bad guys on Grindr but this is also really funny

[–] 31 points 5 months ago (1 children)

honestly this gives me the good idea about dating zionists to scam free drinks off them. that's not a bad idea at all like, i can totally be into "isreal" for like an hour, and then once he's spent like $200 on my drinks be like.........

psych 😛

from the river to the sea :3

after that he will wanna not talk to me anymore, which is honestly perfect. free drinks


amazing article y'all lol

Meet 26-year-old Amy. She’s single, likes puppies and is looking for a date on Hinge. But it’s not just good-looking men she’s after; she “goes crazy for a free Palestine” – at least that’s what her dating profile says.


Lauren cuts to the chase by simply saying: “No Zionists”.

the horror!?!

Lee wants to “make sure we’re on the same page about free Palestine”. So does Savanah. And Boris. And Michaela.

oh no!?!

the majority but many profiles I see now say ‘No Zionists’.”


divorced, 59-year-old Stephen downloaded Hinge last summer. A few months of swiping later, Palestinian flags started appearing.

oh the humanity!?! poor Stephen!!!

“But if they’re saying ‘no Zionists’ that doesn’t leave much room for me.”

you guys already have a homeland, it's called Brooklyn

“It’s like the signs that used to read: ‘No Blacks. No Jews. No Dogs. No Irish.’”

omg so true bestie, so true

[–] 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

all this stuff makes me so depressed. I wish the yakubian empire could just leave things alone and let other nations succeed.

why is it the US always feels entitled to this "number 1" position? like, who made that decision?!? the US just accepts as a forgone conclusion that the order of the world is American led and it's chauvinistic and disgusting

the American zero-sum view of geopolitics is going to get the entire world killed someday I fear

[–] 28 points 5 months ago

lol i spent $214 on groceries for the week yesterday :3 i'm totally splurging with my um, tacos, pasta, and salads i'm cooking, how fancy and luxurious.

[–] 21 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I mean according to the Bible I guess they're from "Tanki" and not liberal?!?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Every morning i get to make this face as I read the "Associated Press" to see what drivel the upstream "news" source for the mayo empire has deemed fit to feed down to the masses, usually resulting in me making a face like this:

a few days ago we got this real gem

Who wouldn’t like prices to start falling? Careful what you wish for, economists say

hmm well that sounds foreboding! what could possibly be bad about falling prices?

Wouldn’t it be great if prices actually fell — what economists call deflation? Who wouldn’t want to fire up a time machine and return to the days before the economy rocketed out of the pandemic recession and sent prices soaring?

yes! i think it would be good! i would like to be able to afford food that isn't spaghetti!

Many economists caution, though, that consumers should be careful what they wish for.


Mainly because falling prices tend to discourage consumers from spending. Why buy now, after all, if you can purchase what you want — cars, furniture, appliances, vacations — at a lower price later?

um.... oki. so like, i can still spend less money? oki?!?

businesses would face intense pressure to cut prices even more

oh the humanity!!!

It’s certainly true that Americans can make their paychecks go further when prices are falling. If food or gasoline prices were to tumble, households would surely find it less painful to afford groceries or their commutes to work

oh my goodness imagine if those selfish people could afford groceries and commuting to work!

who will think of the businesses?!?! omg

anyways, i've spit all my coffee out. I love me some lib economic takes in the morning. so silly, so fun, we're so doomed. what a broken ass system

rant over y'all thank you :3


Given today's controversy in the United States regarding Biden accidentally acknowledging trans people on easter Sunday, I have been in thought and reading most of the morning. I stumbled across this article this morning and it floored me. Except for ages, timelines, and the lack of physical violence and conversion therapy, this story could have been written by my parents about me. It is disgusting.

Throughout the entire article the author misgenders their child consistently, but that's not even close to the end of it. This passage is deeply disturbing, but I believe it's very important to call attention to the sick thinking patterns that go on inside these peoples' heads.

During one conversation, when we said we couldn’t use his preferred name and pronouns, he said to us, “Then I can’t guarantee I won’t kill myself.” He eventually went to his room, wailing and weeping profusely. My wife and I were also crying, feeling helpless. Certainly, it’d be easier to simply call him by his preferred name and pronouns. Certainly, it’d be easier to celebrate the things he celebrates.

The parent, recognizing the emotional abuse they are inflicting upon their child and its effects even acknowledges that it would be easier to affirm their child's gender and not be an abusive asshole. But instead, the author doubles down and adopts a victim complex, "taking up his cross" so to speak of continuing to abuse his transgender child.

When my son thought we hated him, he didn’t realize our love for Jesus (and for him) is greater than he could imagine.

This sentence is deeply revealing and it is the experience of being on the other end of this resonates with me to my core. My parent's didn't love me. They love an abstract idea of a straight white christian man that they wanted to create which never existed and never will. When they say "our love for Jesus is greater", the author is showing the exact same thing my parents did. His own hatred and rejection of his child's, not only gender identity, but entire self, is way less important than their well being, and is upheld by his professed "spiritual convictions".

I should note, there really isn't a coherent anti-trans argument from the Christian Bible. I've read and studied the book several times in my life, and it's hardly concerned with the ideas of gender identity, it's more about lineages and not eating shrimp, no, you cannot blame what you are on "Jesus".

At the end of the day, the white american evangelical is an abusive, destructive person who seeks justification for their internal prejudices by manipulating a religion, but it has little to actually to with the religion. It's the people. The religion doesn't make them hate, hateful people adopt it as an excuse.

I hope for the child of this author, that they have found a safe and healthy life away from their abusive family with people who love and support them. I know I have. It has taken me years, but I am a happy, successful, woman with a very full social circle and a great life. Sadly, not everybody makes it out of this so lucky.

And for every one or two like me who survives through all of the abuse, the beatings, the torture, and the pain of white christian bigotry, I fear many more don't get through it.

Sorry for the long post, I will never stop thinking on this topic. As I grow older, I work with younger transgender people in my community with similar trauma, and I try my best to never forget where I came from, and all of those who are still there.

Happy trans day of visibility everybody. If you're able to, help somebody else, and if you are struggling, please never give up. :3


oki ya it's a shitpost but fr like can the US please stop pushing this war on, like the only good thing I could see out of the coming yakubian election is maybe finally an end to this



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