
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Gotta know your audience.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No, I wanted you to quote the article. Here, I'll do it for you: "The survival rate of patients with alcohol-related liver disease who receive a deceased donor liver transplant has steadily improved to reach 80–85 per cent at one year after a transplant.

Studies show that living liver transplants for alcohol liver disease have similar survival rates to other forms of liver disease.

But a study from the University Health Network showed that 86 per cent of those with alcohol-induced liver damage who were referred for transplants were rejected. Only 14 per cent of those who applied were accepted, and just six per cent received a liver transplant. There is a concern that patients with alcohol use disorder will relapse, damaging the new organ, though studies show the risk is around 15 per cent."

... Which refutes your opinions. Gee, can't imagine why you didn't want to quote that.

I don't have to imagine why that board wouldn't want to find every excuse in the book to deny the patient the transplant either... Seems like they have several hundred thousand of them: "Using the most recent data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information on hospital bed costs (2016), Huska’s time at the Oakville hospital likely cost over $450,000 - ($3,592 per day for ICU care) with an additional 61 days in a ward bed which likely cost about $1,200 a day

A liver transplant in Ontario is pegged at about $71,000 to $100,000 in Ontario based on data from 2019."

[–] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I'm not debating that she stopped drinking after diagnosis. I'm debating the rest of your opinion: "Stopping to drink for a few weeks after you realize you are about to die from drinking... doesn't really make a difference here. Unfortunately, she was an alcoholic for most of her life and, before diagnosis, did not show any capacity to quit

So, even if she did stopped drinking 100% after May... it was just too late"

So again, please back your statement up with a direct quote from the article. I'll wait, but excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (5 children)

That's your opinion. Where does the article state that?

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (7 children)

"This means she kept drinking while out of the hospital", which directly contradicts the statement by the boyfriend saying she stopped drinking.

Everything else is like, your opinion, man.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

Please quote the article where it states her prognosis was not good enough for him to donate. All I'm seeing is a statement that her prior alcohol consumption was a factor in that decision.

[–] -1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (9 children)

I'm sorry, maybe I'm just daft this week, but I missed the concept "the doctors believed her liver is so far gone, a partial would lot [sic] work" in that.

I quote: "Huska, he said, stopped drinking as soon as she was diagnosed with Alcohol Liver Disease on March 3 and had also registered for an alcohol cessation program to begin once she was discharged." So where does the article state she kept drinking while waiting for the transplant?

[–] -5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (11 children)

Second paragraph in: 'However, documents show the Alcohol Liver Disease (ALD) team at UHN rejected her in part because of "minimal abstinence outside of hospital." '

The article quotes Dr. Jayakumar making a general statement regarding alcohol diseased livers, but the University Health Network declined to comment on Amanda's specific case outside offering their (patronizing) condolences.

Feel free to quote the article and back up your statement.

[–] 24 points 1 week ago (15 children)

Did you bother to read the article? Her partner was a match, and could have donated a portion of their liver to her, if approved, as opposed to a donated liver.

Judge someone all you want for their previous life choices, but the decision referenced in this case should have been between the two of them and their doctor.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You state that animals are expressing wants and needs, not emotions, then ask questions that can only be answered by "we don't know".

I'd sooner think you do not know the former, either.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

When the farmer says: "I'm here, ain't I?"...

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

After reading through your post history, all I can say is "Bullshit."


The season will be opening up here in Upstate NY soon. It can't come soon enough.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Picked up an Ender 3 off eBay after Christmas in an "brand new open box" state. Should be covered under warranty, and I shelled out an extra $6 for the Allstate Protection Plan, so I should have coverage even if the reseller drops off.

During unboxing, almost everything was neatly in its place. I noticed two oddities, however: the anti-static bag for the display panel was unsealed, open at one end; a piece of paper inside the box declared that the previous owner returned it as they had ordered it by mistake.

After assembly, I powered it on, but the display panel won't show anything but a blue screen. Reached out to the eBay store, who shipped out a replacement panel noting my observations above. Replaced the panel today, and there's no change in symptoms.

After powering it on, the extruder's fan spins, as does the power supply fan. The motherboard's fan does not. Display panel goes blue, without text. Pressing the button results in a beep on each press. I pulled the cover off the motherboard, and noted activity on two LEDs. After powering on, one near the fuse (labeled D3) lights up solid blue. The other, near the CPU (labeled O5), blinks twice quickly, then a long pause, followed by three more blinks. No idea if that's meant as a diagnostic code.

Nothing seems out of place when performing a visual inspection of the motherboard. Each connection is glued down, no scorch or blown components. I've tried updating the firmware, to no effect.

Board version: 4.2.2 CPU: GD32F303 RET6 Sticker on the MicroSD slot: H8

Waiting on the reseller to get back to me with their next steps, but I'm not expecting anything until the work week starts up. Any thoughts as to additional steps I might take while I'm waiting?

Update: reseller is shipping out a new motherboard to me.

Final update: new motherboard resolved the issue. I'm printing!


Picked up a Force 5 dinghy plus trailer years ago, for the low low price of $100. Prior owner had let water sit in the mast tube, cracking it vertically. Trailer bunks were set up improperly as well, leading to some gnarly cracks in the hull. Without having any sailing experience, I was besotted with her (I can't resist a good project), until I learned the sail slipped over the mast and wasn't raised via halyard. I set her aside for a few years while I worked on other boat projects that fell into my lap (O'Day 19 & Westerly Centaur).

I'm based on a river with height restrictions in both directions, preventing me from actually sailing with the O'Day and the Westerly. The dinghy can make it under with feet to spare. I'd like to get some actual sailing in,, so I've set myself a goal to finish the rehab and get her on the water before the end of the season.

Mast tube has been repaired. Ground out and beveled the cracks in the hull, then fiberglassed several layers over. I hate mixing gelcoat, so I'll be painting instead. PVC replacements for the thwart bits are sitting in the pile, ready to go.

Trailer needs some work as well: bunkers need to be secured better, tires and bearings need inspection.

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