
joined 2 years ago
[–] 18 points 22 hours ago

Another way to interpret it is, "leadership pay has absolutely no impact on the success of a product."

Yet another way is, "if you're struggling, put your money into almost anything else than raises for upper management."

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I agree. I do appreciate the spirit of OP's comment, that we are agents. I observe a lot of people who blame everything but themselves for their circumstances, and take responsibility for nothing.

However, sometimes you get the meteorite, and sometimes the meteorite gets you; we're none of us 100% in control of our fates.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Thank you! It came from my brain. I'm not aware that it's been said that way by anyone else, although I don't think it's a unique observation.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

To be fair, it is a very long-winded post. I think it's not an uncommon use case, though, and so deserved a robust sketch of the desired solution; Farmville and chat are sideshows, and what the people left on Facebook are really there for are the Walls.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Compiling has never been the hard part. The challenge is making it through the entire configuration menu system before succumbing to the urge to gouge your own eyes out with blunt sticks.

Once that's done, kick off make take a long break; it'll be compiled by the time you get back to it.

I hear build times are getting longer with the Rust parts, though, so do it soon before you need mainframe access to get a compile within your lifetime.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

There are some excellent apps out there, and by and large they look and work better than commercial apps, IME. So I disagree with the assertion that I have to stay with commercial software.

What I was asking for, in my post, was not which apps have better UX than Facebook, but rather which of the very many OSS, federated (although, not necessary for my use case), self-hosted platforms fit the specific use, and ideally with a straightforward iOS mobile app. Doesn't have to be pretty; just has to be able to quickly take and post photos to a private channel/community/wall.

Circles really is quite nice in all respects. I think they're hindered by their choice of backend. I've been using Matrix for years, and key management has always been a hot mess. I wouldn't be surprised if the issues we encountered were related to Matrix's god-awful and buggy PK negotiation & management process.


I'm a little surprised I can't find any posts asking this question, and that there doesn't seem to be a FAQ about it. Maybe "Facebook" covers too many use cases for one clean answer.

Up front, I think the answer for my case is going to be "Friendica," but I'm interested in hearing if there are any other, better options. I'm sure Mastodon and Lemmy aren't it, but there's Pixelfed and a dozen other options with which I'm less familiar with.

This mostly centers around my 3-y/o niece and a geographically distributed family, and the desire for Facebook-like image sharing with a timeline feed, comments, likes (positive feedback), that sort of thing. Critical, in our case, is a good iOS experience for capturing and sharing short videos and pictures; a process where the parents have to take pictures, log into a web site, create a post, attach an image from the gallery is simply too fussy, especially for the non-technical and mostly overwhelmed parents. Less important is the extended family experience, although alerts would be nice. Privacy is critical; the parents are very concerned about limiting access to the media of their daughter that is shared, so the ability to restrict viewing to logged-in members of the family is important.

FUTO Circles was almost perfect. There was some initial confusion about the difference between circles and groups, but in the end the app experience was great and it accomplished all of the goals -- until it didn't. At some point, half of the already shared media disappeared from the feeds of all of the iOS family members (although the Android user could still see all of the posts). It was a thoroughly discouraging experience, and resulted in a complete lack of faith in the ecosystem. While I believe it might be possible to self-host, by the time we decided that everyone liked it and I was about to look into self-hosting our own family server (and remove the storage restrictions, which hadn't yet been reached when it all fell apart), the iOS app bugs had cropped up and we abandoned the platform.

So there's the requirements we're looking for:

  • The ability to create private, invite-only groups/communities
  • A convenient mobile capture+share experience, which means an app
  • Reactions (emojis) & comment threads
  • Both iOS and Android support, in addition to whatever web interface is available for desktop use

and, given this community, obviously self-hostable.

I have never personally used Facebook, but my understanding is that it's a little different in that communities are really more like individual blogs with some post-level feedback mechanisms; in this way, it's more like Mastodon, where you follow individuals and can respond to their posts, albeit with a loosely-enforced character limit. And as opposed to Lemmy, which while moderated, doesn't really have a main "owner" model. I can imagine setting up a Lemmy instance and creating a community per person, but I feel as if that'd be trying to wedge a square peg into a round hole.

Pixelfed might be the answer, but from my brief encounter with it, it feels more like a photo-oriented Mastodon, then a Facebook wall-style experience (it's Facebook that has "walls", right?).

So back to where I started: in my personal experience, it seems like Friendica might be the best fit, except that I don't use an iPhone and don't know if there are any decent Friendica apps that would satisfy the user experience we're looking for; honestly, I haven't particularly liked any of the Android apps, so I don't hold out much hope for iOS.

Most of the options speak ActivityPub, so maybe I should just focus on finding the right AP-based mobile client? Although, so far the best experience (until it broke) has been Circles, which is based on Matrix.

It's challenging to install and evaluate all of the options, especially when -- in my case -- to properly evaluate the software requires getting several people on each platform to try and see how they like it. I value the community's experience and opinions.

[–] 27 points 1 day ago (8 children)

The AMD graphics driver is reputedly the biggest that mainstream Linux users will encounter, approaching six million lines of code.

That does seem a bit ... excessive.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

This is so true.

The only thing the righteous hate more than a heathen is a heretic.

Sectarianism is a fractal war where the only indivisible faction is the individual.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I stub my toe. Is that a "have to?"

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

That's a lot of phaelenopsis.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (3 children)
[–] 0 points 1 day ago

It's true some things are harder to do in the container configuration; it's easier installed as an OS, especially integrations like Z-Wave, ZigBee, RTSP, Eufy, ESP, and so on. All of these require running other software, and in containers it's a fair bit of fussing with port and host OS device connections.

I've always run it in a container, without issue. It works fine, but I'm comfortable with the command line and LXC. That said, flashing an ESP hardware device and getting it connected to HA running in a container has so far defeated me, because I have to give access to the device in the configuration of the container before I run it, but the device flashing process itself is time limited and expects a process to be waiting on it when it is connected. It's a chicken/egg problem I haven't yet figured out which wouldn't be a problem if I were running the HA OS.

HA isn't the only software that just works better when it controls the while OS. Kodi is another that encourages users heavily to running it as an OS.

Regardless, it runs fine via

podman pull latest

and there's a package in AUR that wraps the container up with a systemd service - it's as close to a bare package install as you're likely to get.

What's a little funny to me is that, despite that I've been running HA in a container for the past 4 years, I'm working towards getting a dedicated device and running HA OS on it. If we ever move out of this house, I'm not going to spend weeks going around replacing all of the hardware - smart sockets, lights, garage door opener, security, etc etc - with dumb devices; and for any of that to be worth anything, it's going to need a controller configured for it, which means, I'm planning on selling the HA server device with the house. For that case, I don't want anything but HA running on that device, and for that, it'd just be easier and smoother to run HAOS.

My advice is to run HA in a container until you are sure that's the direction you want to go, but not for so long that it's going to be a PITA to migrate to a dedicated server. But - hey, just IMHO - plan on running HAOS. If I knew then what I know now, that's what I would have done.


Can anyone identify this font? The title page in the ebook is an image, and there's no credit listed, and my web searches have all been dead ends.

I'm not certain there aren't three similar fonts; there are at least two distinct fonts here, and maybe three, although they could all be in the same family -- Bold, Normal, and Light. I'm most interested in the middle font, but all three are interesting.

It's a striking title page, and I'd really like to ID these. My fall back will be to write the publisher and ask, but I'm hoping someone here will be able to toss the family off the top of their head.


I haven't seen this discussed since the debate, and I'm curious what people think would happen.

(If you've seen this twice, I first posted it to a community that only allows links to news items, which rule I read only after creating the post. I removed that post)

The idea came from a post-debate discussion on NPR (National Public Radio), where one of the (professional) political commentators was asked if this was possible and they replied, briefly, that it would have to be done soon.

  1. From the analyst's response, and what I can find online (e.g., here) it seems that it's not too late for Trump to make this change. Vance would have to voluntarily step down, but I can't imagine him defying Trump if he was told to beat it.
  2. It's clear Trump isn't as enamored of Vance as he initially was.
  3. I think even hard-core conservatives would agree that Vance hasn't helped Trump's campaign, and (as the commentator pointed out) he's gone off-piste from Trump's talking points at times.
  4. Trump's core is voting for Trump; the running mate is a side show, and it's questionable how much Vance appeals to Trump's base. I believe Trump knows all of this, or at least believes it himself.
  5. Trump prides himself on firing people when he doesn't like the way things are going, and it would be in keeping character for him to make Vance a scapegoat for the polling reversal and his losing the debate.

Therefore, I think this is not just a purely hypothetical question, but a very real possibility. Trump is chaos at the best of times, and this would be an unsurprising action. Regardless of advice he gets from his handlers, he'll do what he feels like.

So my questions are: first, who's the most likely choice for a swap; and second, how do you think it'd impact the election?


cross-posted from:

Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible...


cross-posted from:

Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible...


I vastly prefer to support community artisans over mass-produced material when I can. Is anyone in the community making Moopsies?


Cross-posting here, as the content under discussion is political in nature, and I feel as if the question might be of similar concern to other posters. Most probably don't care; data miners harvesting information to sell to HR departments and hiring managers are a real thing, though, so I think answers are relevant.

cross-posted from:

A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous.

I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers.

And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay out of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account.

What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content?

Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous.

I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers.

And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay out of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account.

What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content?

Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.


It is not my intention to ignite an EMACS/vim war; I will say that I find it baffling that Lower Decks is ending while Strange New Worlds is being continued. I like Strange New Worlds, despite disagreeing with some of the artistic licenses being taken. But if I had to choose between the two shows, it'd be no contest. Not only as a viewer do I prefer LD, but it has to be the cheaper show to produce. The fact that next season is the last (both by design, it only being contracted for 5 years; and announcement) is sad and incomprehensible in the same way the cancelation of Firefly was - except LD is popular and successful, whereas Firefly merely had a fanatical (🖐️) fan base.

I don't understand it. Yes, you want to end on a high note. Maybe the writers are running out of plot ideas. Perhaps, given an initial life span of 5 years, the actors have all made other arrangements and aren't available. But I just can't believe the One Big Plot Arc that's been building would necessitate ending the series by its resolution.

LD is a strong show. It's lighthearted. It's a breath of fresh air after the more decidedly darker, ethically challenging, and emotionally straining runs of TNG, Voyager, DS9. And Strange New Worlds... the Gorn are basically Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise.Who, despite being the existential threat of the show, somehow get entirely forgotten about by the time in TOS.

But I digress. I'm going to miss Lower Decks, badly. How can this happen? And why?


This is kind of a rant, but mostly a plea.

There are times when BusyBox is the only tool you can use. You've got some embedded device with 32k RAM or something; I get it. It's the right tool. But please, please, In begging you: don't use it just because you're lazy.

I find BusyBox used in places where it's not necessary. There's enough RAM, there's more than enough storage, and yet, it's got BusyBox.

BusyBox tooling is absolutely aenemic. Simple things, common things, like - oh, - capturing a regexp group from a simple match are practically impossible. But you can do this in bash; heck, it's built in! But BusyBox uses ash, which is barely a shell and certainly doesn't support regexp matching with group capture. Maybe awk? Well, gawk lets you, with -oP, but of course BusyBox doesn't use GNU awk, and so you can't get at the capture groups because it doesn't support perl REs. It'd be shocking if BusyBox provided any truly capable tools like ripgrep, in which this would be trivial. I haven't tried BB's sed yet, because sed's RE escaping is and has always been a bizarre nightmarish Frankenstein syntax, but I've got a dime riding on some restriction in BB's sed that prevents getting at capture groups there, too.

BusyBox serves a purpose; it is intentionally barely functional; size constraining trumps all other considerations. It achieves this well. My issue isn't with BusyBox, it's with people using it everywhere when they don't need to, making life hell for anyone who's trying to actually get any work done in it.

So please. For the sanity of your users: don't reach for BusyBox just because it's easy, or because you're tickled that you're going to save a megabyte or two; please spare a thought for your users on which you are inflicting these constraints. Use it when you have to, because otherwise it doesn't fit. Otherwise, chose a real shell, at least bash, and include some tools capable of more than less than the bare minimum.


I know it's tragically pedestrian; and I know there's supposed to be a 4 in 2025; and I also know there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, and the gaming industry is going through some pretty radical changes... but all I really want is another Borderlands.

There's not much they can do with it, not many places to go, and I'm sure everyone who's worked on the series over the years is thoroughly sick of it. But, damn. Every one of the main games (at least; I haven't loved every in-between spin-off) has his a sweet spot of mindless fun, funniness, and replay-ability. I've played 3 so many times through, and spent so many hours just running around in every location, even I can't work up much enthusiasm to fire it up anymore.

There's an occasional game that fills the same niche; Bullet Storm was pretty fun, but with low replay-ability. I just want a game where I can turn off the higher brain functions and run around killing stuff in interesting ways.

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.


Rook provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass v2 kdbx file.

The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless, and does not have a bespoke secrets database full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly.

Rook is in the AUR; binaries are available from the project page.

From the changelog, since the last Lemmy release announcement (v0.0.9):

[v0.1.3] Mon May 20 17:12:25 2024 -0500


  • status command, a more lightweight way of testing if a DB is open. Using this instead of info in e.g. statusbar scripts greatly reduces CPU load.
  • case-insensitive search.


  • removing some nil panics that could occur when DB is closed while a client call is being processed.


  • a hidden bug in the OTP pin code.
  • some errors being ignored (and therefore not logged)
  • TOTP attributes getting missed by otp generator check

[v0.1.2] Fri Apr 26 15:13:55 2024 -0500


  • one-time pin soft locking
  • installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository
  • more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc)


  • getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output
  • cleans up code per golint/gochk


  • an autotype bug in outputting literals

[v0.1.1] Sun Mar 17 13:44:54 2024 -0500


  • the original source rook.svg
  • ability to start the rook server passing in the password via stdin pipe.


  • assets moved to directory
  • documentation referenced Keepass v4; there's no such thing, it's v2.
  • license, was missing (c) from original
  • stop trying to remove the version number from build assets
  • documentation to clarify when the master password exists as plain text, in response to questions from

[v0.1.0] Fri Mar 15 14:03:25 2024 -0500


  • nfpm file
  • logo


  • clears out the password so it's not being held in plain text by the flags library.
  • some of the documentation, and fixes the duplicated v0.0.9 entry in the changelog.
  • CI build targets are more limited, but also include some distro packages
  • better README documentation


  • the monitor attribute was taken out, as rook no longer busy-polls the DB
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