
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

source? plus "western wages" is a pretty broad range and doesnt really mean anything without context

[–] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

the base template of the meme is maslows hierachy of needs with every entry replaced with "forehead kisses from x" but instead the triangle is a ternary diagram. very creative meme

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

pretty funny how different reactions ppl can have, when i was younger and thought i might be lucid dreaming my first thought would always be to try generating flame in my palm or some other anime move

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago

secretarybirds are so cool

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

cant forget irish: masculine an+T, an+L, an+D / feminine an+L, na+H, an+D / plural na+H, na+E, na+H

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

thats normal behaviour, pretty sure the bug part of that point is referring to the indefinite invisibility

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

suggestions off the top of my head are countries with or near significant colonial influences, eg madagascar and indonesia seem to be pretty similar across the board

although far from comprehensive such is the case of languages listed on wiktionarys translations dropdown on the english entries of the countries at least

the only notable exception i spotted is the navajo name for indonesia apparently being "Kéyah Dah Ndaaʼeełí Łání" which is quite interesting and i dont really have an explanation for that discrepancy (perhaps its pronounced similarly and orthography just isnt idunno) but navajo isnt a national language anywhere anyways so it doesnt really matter for the original question

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

when i used to play games that required coop to get certain items id often sit for long whiles hovering over the search for teammates button, online social anxiety is real shit. nowadays its better but i still cant do mh coop in fear of being too bad

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

truly the spearhead of civilization

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

society has become so used to girls and women being considered less that there is a scary amount of rationalization as to why its fine actually to completely annihilate all remaining bodily autonomy they have left. this is an explosion in suicides of young girls and adult women alike begging to happen. wake the fuck up.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

also as a swedish person i think by far the most notable aspect is how level the playing field is when it comes to respect, primarily in schools and the like but even in other spaces.

its the norm that students and teachers are on first name basis and honorifics are almost never used anywhere. the plural 2nd person pronoun "ni" has largely fallen out of use in its other meaning as a singular 2nd person formal pronoun, being replaced with its informal counterpart "du" most of the time.

students and employees alike can freely and commonly do criticize and talk back to teachers and employers/bosses if theres a genuinely valid reason to do so and the general dynamic between different social positions is so relaxed to the point of it being fascinating. i think meeting the literal king of the country would for many people not warrant that big a change in behaviour other than obviously just being particularly nice.

as a result of this i think people have an easier time seeing each other as people rather than just as cogs of society, and being a person who struggles a lot with reading social cues its an enormous relief to so far in my professional life never had to worry a single time whether i should refer to someone as mr. or ms. or if i should be speaking in a particular register


went looking for some post-rock adjacent stuff and stumbled upon this neat noisy/mathy/jazzy mix, vocals can get quite drowned in the mix but they have their charm too nonetheless


I was pondering differences between endonyms and exonyms, but then I started wondering where demonyms really, originally come from. I imagine it might come from the name of the leader of a group of people, that name becoming associated with that group as a whole and when people start mingling more it becomes a name associated with a whole people and so it dominos on, but if anybody has any good reads regarding it I'd be interested to check it out. I know that demonyms often come from place names but that also begs the question how those places got their names to begin with, or if its more often than not just a matter of "you call that place that hence we will call it that" à la Sahara Desert for example.

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