
joined 2 years ago

English translation:

Juan Perón Madrid, July 15, 1965 To Mr. President MAO TSE TUNG PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

My dear President and friend:

From this difficult exile, I take advantage of the magnificent opportunity offered by the trip of the young Peronist leaders of the MRP, kindly invited by you, to bring you along with my most fraternal and friendly greetings, the expressions of our admiration for you, your Government and your Party; who have been able to lead the Chinese Nation to the achievement of so many important victories, which the capitalist world has already begun to recognize and accept.

Your thought and your words as a Revolutionary Master have penetrated deeply into the souls of the peoples who are struggling to liberate themselves and we who have been struggling, in these last ten years, in the marches and counter-marches typical of the process of a people, which is preparing the most favorable conditions for the final struggle. American Imperialism and its permanent allies -among them now, the current Soviet leaders- are mistaken when they think that with the deception of a false peaceful coexistence, they will be able to stop the march of these peoples thirsty for justice in pursuit of their liberation.

The example of PEOPLE'S CHINA, today the unshakable basis of the World Revolution, allows the men of the new generations to prepare themselves for the long struggle with more clarity and firm determination.

The nefarious action of Imperialism, with the complicity of the traitorous classes, have prevented us in 1955 from fulfilling the stage of the Democratic Revolution in order to prepare the working class for the full and subsequent realization of the Socialist Revolution. But from the defeat of that date, we have gathered great examples that allow us to prepare ourselves much more firmly, so that our people can take power and thus establish the era of government of the oppressed -the working class- the only one capable of carrying out a policy of peace and happiness for our people. Our objectives are common -that is why I welcome this contact of our fighters, with that great reality that you are.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

de nada guachin!


I also have a version in Spanish if any comrades want to share it somewhere else.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago

Every time I think about Usonian soldiers with PTSD I think how el Che or Castro were always perfectly good even though they had killed people. It's because they never enjoyed the violence applied on the imperialists, it was driven by a desire for freedom.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

There were quite a few difference between the two matches, so you could see both. For me it was a beautiful day, England lost and Argentina won.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Nevertheless we are better than them.

[–] 41 points 3 months ago (13 children)

Because it's a realistic solution a country can be in favour of. It doesn't matter how much we'd love for the Zionist entity to stop existing, we must not commit ultra-leftism mistakes and expect that a country tries to accomplish an objective that cannot be met.

[–] 31 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Sounds like a deal between compradors and the imperialiasts, the libertarios will let them in gladly, no threat needed.

[–] 54 points 5 months ago (2 children)

It seems la CIA will be trafficking fentanyl to Argentina in a few months and introduce opiates into the region.

[–] 12 points 5 months ago

State and the revolution, I finished it last week

[–] 10 points 5 months ago

Least brain dead usonian

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

I've read Aeschylus, some Plato, not that much. But I'd say it depends on what you want to learn from that. If you ask me, I'd be interested in the Greeks by how were they later interpreted by authors like Kant, Spinoza, Hegel, etc. So I'd say go for Hesiod, Homer, since both of them provide the background for all the Greeks after them and then go for the Milesians, and the other presocratics (which includes Heraclitus) and then Plato and so on. I wouldnt bother with the Romans but maybe thats just ignorance from my part. I dont know if my naswer was good enough but let me know, i am currently to start to read some other greek text so maybe we could help each other!

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

hey, the link in the sidebar that says "see this thread for more information" doesn't work and I guess it should link to this post

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

A really good example is the size of vehicles in the US for example, urban life shouldn't necessitate more than the kei Japanese style of cars, yet we see some that could easily be used in military operations and transform daily life into a competition of the biggest survives in collisions.

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