
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children) oh yeah those are terrible! I'd forgotten that, mine were broken anyway so I made an adapter for Atari style controllers instead. yeah it's 16-bit but using 8-bit interfacing chips most likely for cost reasons, similiar to what Sinclair would later do with the QL - and with similar speed tradeoffs.

I think of TI as a reliable chip company so it's curious to me they couldn't make this system more successful. A bunch of strangely insular decisions on software seems to be the main issue, and why it probably didn't come close to the others in popularity.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children) until I got this one and repaired it, I'd never seen or used one before. I'm not even sure I knew it existed at the time. It's an unusual design internally, ahead of its time in some ways. I'm now trying to find all the fun stuff for it!


New arrival - Parsec.

Seems very fluid and fun! 😍

#ti99 #parsec #retrogaming


I've no idea why I do this to myself. The #Amstrad version of #Nebulus was actually the one I had in the 80s too, but I still absolutely suck at it.

Maybe it's because I'm playing it on a Plus. Yes. I shall pretend that.


Close up view of Nebulus.