@Salvo Worth a read of their current def https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary/_Business/Bills/_Legislation/bd/bd2425/25bd39
But yeah, those would seem to come under "the sole purpose, or a significant purpose, of the service is to enable online social interaction between 2 or more end-users[2]
the service allows end-users to link to, or interact with, some or all of the other end-users
the service allows end-users to post material on the service
such other conditions (if any) as are set out in the legislative rules."
@Lodespawn @Salvo The definition is currently loose enough to apply to iMessage. That'll be a fun discussion with Apple's lawyers.
I'll likely be setting my kids and their mates up some sort of server overseas, maybe a Mastodon instance. I want them to learn to be social online, with some education and moderation.
@spiffmeister @Joker I'm interested in how they'll handle iMessage. And if they allow iMessage, why not Signal? And so on. Gonna be some interesting lines have to be drawn.
@Salvo CoPilot is the only "AI" thing not recently blocked on our work network. Knee-jerk, but OK. They're worried about data exfiltration and storage. But trust me, that should really be very far down the list of security/technology concerns.
@Gorgritch_umie_killa @Lodespawn I'm envisaging them leveraging the single-sign-on type stuff they do for MyGov. But do you trust them, and the social site, to handle and appropriately, securely anonymise the Personally Identifiable Information in the transaction? And of course, that means that now under 16s need to have MyGov IDs. The idea of online nicknames etc being linked to actual persons should be a concern. Australia Card anyone?
Of course they may have a completely different approach to it. I mean, every school age child already has a Student Number. That could be a data point for them. Who knows.
@Baku My daughter (5) tried to sell some of her art on the pavement to passers-by.
Clearly a competitor to a multi-billion dollar price-fixing, colluding, un-competitive duopoly.