
joined 2 years ago

Top Paying Programming Technologies 2024

Delve into the realm of high-paying programming technologies as we explore the top earners in the field. Consider whether acquiring expertise in these technologies aligns with your goals for advancing your development skills. 1. ZIG -...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Designing a database schema for a budget tracker with Automigrate

Through a practical example, the article highlights how Automigrate streamlines database management for an app in Clojure.

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


51: Building a text editor with Nate Hunzaker

Nate Hunzaker talks about building a text editor for the web. Slate Lexical beforeInput event Since the podcast was recorded, Whimsical launched our Grammarly integration

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Local-first Software Development — Real-world Applications

Looking at local-first frontend development, available tools and libraries, and how to get started

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Redelay 2.0 released

The redelay library - the unassuming state lifecycle tool - had several unreleased improvements piling up. Some of these are breaking, so a new major version has finally been released. Upgrading should be easy though. This short post goes through...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Feb. 2024 Short-Term Project Updates

Our first round of reports are in from some of our Q1 2024 deveopers. Benjamin Kamphaus: UnifyBio Chris McCormack: Sitefox Daniel Slutsky: Scicloj Eric Dallo: clojure-lsp Jeaye Wilkerson: Jank VEMV: CIDER Benjamin Kamphaus: UnifyBio 2024 Q1...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Necessary variables in let, Tabby A.I suggest with Clojure

Code ;; necessary_variables_in_let.clj (def string "rgaraga4agjrj4rikllmrfmghjqwwrwengek") (defn sieve [string] (let [first-4-letters (take 4 string) unique-letters (set first-4-letters) length (count unique-letters)] (if...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Clojure Deref (Mar 1, 2024)

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation. Podcasts and videos Sitefox framework: ClojureScript on the backend (by Chris McCormick) -...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


OSS Updates January and February 2024

I was lucky enough to get funding this year from Clojurists together to work on some open source projects for the Clojure community. It's been a really fun couple of months getting more involved in the ecosystem and having the time to work on some...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


Ep 113: Highlightify!

Each week, we discuss a different topic about Clojure and functional programming. If you have a question or topic you'd like us to discuss, tweet @clojuredesign, send an email to, or join the #clojuredesign-podcast...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure


OSS updates January and February 2024

In this post I'll give updates about open source I worked on during January and February 2024.To see previous OSS updates, go here.SponsorsI'd like to thank all the sponsors and contributors that make this work possible. Like you can read on...

#clojure #clj #cljs ! @clojure

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