This is the answer
This is awesome! Now the IRS just needs to send me my already completed taxes that I just verify, sign, and return, like they do in Sweden.
The app is objectively terrible. Barely useable.
Purrl with a curled tailing
We need more investigations into these kinds of domestic terror networks.
Holy shit I need blacklight jewelry! I got lab alexandrite and lab moissanite for my wedding ring, but I didn’t know I could get SCIENCE gems! And I do a ton of confocal microscopy where we use dichroic for splitting the wavelengths! Thank you for this link, I’m def buying all my jewelry from here from now on!
Flop flop flop 🍆 👀
Wouldn’t the plastic straw melt in the hot tea? Maybe need metal or silicone straw adapter hooked onto plastic straw in heat exchanger 🤔
Is it bendy? How do they work that thang?
So the FBI is compromised by the Kremlin?
This is great! I’m glad it includes provisions for changing zoning laws, that seems to be a major reason for housing shortage in many areas.