Naja, ich hab wenig Geld und die Notwendigkeit, jeden Tag 60 km zu pendeln, um überhaupt welches zu haben. Da bleibt Zug oder Auto. Ich hasse Auto fahren und mag Zug/Fahrrad fahren, aber wenn es billiger wäre, könnte ich es mir nicht leisten, die "Luxusvariante" Zug zu nehmen.
Ist aber im Endeffekt egal - dazu können wir uns wieder sprechen, wenn Deutschlandticket 120€+ kostet...
Just wanted to let you know - I am currently examining my anxiety and exhaustion generating work and study habits hard (and why they are so easy patterns to slip into), and your post helped me answer a question I had and couldn't quite grasp.
Because for me, I generate The Dread© by imagining the disappointment of my professors, my boss, or parents, or whoever gave me the task or has a stake, if I don't do it in time. Which also means that I can't really do stuff for myself unless I imagine my therapist being disappointed or something. Which leads to weird and unusual attachments to people who have no idea of their significance, and a LOT of social anxiety.
But knowing the functionality of this pattern should be quite helpful in gently disengaging from it 🙂 So thanks!