@counterspell Lemmy not federating post content does make things annoying
@andrew Elsewhere a friend dup up: it was in the earnings call.
So yeah, this directly contradicts WotC's position that they know how much to print. WotC just flat lying to us.
@andrew Anyone know where Hasbro has said this? As it obviously goes against WotC saying they know how to predict how much to print....
@luxyr42 @mike It gives a ceiling, not a floor or average power level.
Treating such system as not informing deck building is ignoring human behaviour. People will avoid including a single card from a higher tier than they enjoy playing. Unless it is worth bringing up in Rule 0 conversations and explaining that it isn't a good way to think about this deck in particular.
And players will treat a single card from +1 tier more kindly than they will treat a tier 1 deck including a tier 4 card.
@mike @MysticKetchup original goal isn't really an important number. It's just a number that below there they are better off not doing it. 30k is a useful amount of money, but plenty ends up at the printers and not in Phil's pocket.
@nexguy @MysticKetchup That is valid for insular play groups, it doesn't work at conventions. And only partially works at stores, they can be a mixed bag.
@counterspell another idea to shake it up a bit: the price limit is for cards with that name in you deck: one copy if it is 50c, two copies if it is 25c, etc.
Could even allow for going over 4 cookies for truely chaff cards