Of course the one auto manufacturer refusing to give EVs a real shot because their CEO had a personal beef with Elon (fuck Elon too that’s not a defense of him in any way) would say that.
The same auto manufacturer that leads in donations to the Republican Party, too.
I really wish they’d get their shit together because their cars have such a good rep and they make really good hybrids, but fuck Toyota for this.
If they have a point it’s because they manufactured it.
Personally I’m too stubborn to just roll over and give up. That’s what they want. Don’t give them that satisfaction.
Get involved at the local and state levels. Those are our easiest avenues to affect change going forward.
And over the next 4 years hope a halfway decent candidate that puts the people and worker protections at the top of their list of issues to run on and support the hell out of them. Or if you’re eligible, run yourself. I’d happily support an average citizen running for their peers.