You never really think there’s people behind these things.
Hells yeah.
WP had a time, but there are a ton of better options now.
The WP plugin gatekeeping is terrible, it lacks cyclical review which allows abandoned plugins to be converted to malware; its target audience is people who have no business running their own internets and have no idea what updates are, thus scattering the landscape with outdated WP installs ripe for conversion into botnets; it uses an unreasonable amount of resources, primarily due to encouraging users to install every plugin the can find; and finally, who the hell is Dolly?
We need a federated DNA service.
Wow. Every now and again it’s easy to see how single votes can matter.
The problem, of course, is distinguishing between harmless and harmful use. There are painfully few things that are objectively good or bad.
That’s LLM bullshit, sir.