
joined 1 year ago
[–] janny@hexbear.net 1 points 9 months ago

My hot take here is that both Hbomber and this guy are people who are too anti-social to have jobs and who are trying to be content grifters and at the end of the day adding plagiarism to it only makes him 10% worse.

hbomber being mad at somerton is like when the democrats were doing a "how dare you sir" about the children in cages during the trump presidency.

[–] janny@hexbear.net 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Complete nonsense.

As we all know, many idol-worshiping peoples have encountered gnomes and through worshiping and offering tribute to these gnomes, these gnomes become the hosts for powerful dark gods who reward their followers generously but are known to be fickle and demanding.

Silicon Valley is infamous for it's bizzare polycules and their ottoman haramesque power struggles. Somehow, Sam Altman offended Aella_Girl's polycule who happened to control the board of open AI.

Aella_girl is openly in sexual concourse with a series of garden gnomes who she likely worships and has married as it is known that gnomes usually demand a wife or your first born child.

Proof: https://cashmeremag.com/reddit-gonewild-aella-gnome-cam-53817/

She likely used the powers of this dark god to remove Sam Altman from the board but likely failed to meet it's escalating demands or otherwise disappointed this entity and as a result failed to remove him. It is known that when disappoints a gnome or stops worshiping it that one's fortunes will fall into a rapid decline so if this happens to her then we know what likely happened. Either that or Sam Altman is also in contact with a dark entity of some sort.


Saw this one hyper active socialist blogger on medium who reviewed amber's book and said that they are a socialist who got into their politics through chapo but stopped being active because they went to three meetings and it seemed like "an irl meeting of redditors" and it made me annoyed.

First of all, so many people pretend to be leninists and hold themselves to a series of political standards and believe in political discipline in some sense. Do you really think your encounter with a bunch of socialists isn't in someway mediated by your own internal biases? Like so many people who complain about this stuff explicitly say they got annoyed by being asked pronouns so like I totally think the 20% of people who don't say that it's about using pronouns are just not saying the quiet part outloud.

Second, so much of these sorts of confessions read like the narcism of small differences. Really, you encountered a bunch of people with shared interests and they all sucked? Did you ever consider that maybe you yourselves are actually cringy or that you hate yourself and you saw a bunch of people who are alot like you and it upset you to see you're own reflection? Maybe that's not a problem with the DSA or the left, maybe that's a you problem and you should work on that.

And lastly is just the fact that for an atomized, alienated subject whose social interactions are minimal and are usually online and based on hatred either shared or outwards, any sort of large scale social meeting that's earnest is gonna feel bad at first. Work on it. So many things that are good for you like recovering from a drug addiction, starting to get a reading habit, going to the gym, cutting out sugar and processed foods, drinking less coffee, suck complete dick for the first 2-4 weeks.

If you're lonely and your problem is you need more people in your life, go out and do it. It's gonna suck at first like all good things do. Sure if you want to vent about how it's hard or it sucks go ahead feel free. I'm not going to shame you. But on the other hand if you tell me "I'm dehydrated but drinking water sucks because I'm used to soda" sure I can sympathize and be understanding when you fall off or want to complain. That's ok. What isn't ok is "I'm dehydrated, but drinking water sucks because I'm used to soda, therefore drinking water is bad actually and I'm just gonna let myself die but also have a bit of ironic distance from that and pretend it's water's fault" then I'm sorry but while I'm happy to work through those feelings I'm not happy to just endlessly validate them if you have no intention to change them.

Anyway this would just be pretty masterbatory if I was just complaining about a type of guy I hate but I feel like any sort of critism should be paired with self-criticism to keep it dialetical and also not to fall into the social media trap of talking shit about people you hate to make yourself look better in comparison.

I've been feeling pretty alienated for alot of reasons and loney and while I've been working on my social life I got really depressed that I'm probably at a point where even though I'm working really hard on getting my social life back together I'll most likely never be at the point where I hangout with people during the week days and I can only look forward to hanging out with people on the weekends which just isn't fulfilling enough.

So on a semi-related note. My partner has been wanting to go to social events at the local grocery co-op. I feel out of place there and there are alot of vegan types there so I've been encouraging them to go without me and they haven't really done that. These events are usually fridays and thursdays and have a turnout of like 8-15 people at them. Roughly 1/3rd students, 1/3rd classic vegan types and 1/3 regular working class members of the community.

I woke up and realized the other day that I've been walling in my own misery despite the fact that the solution has been in front of me for a year and I've just been ignoring it. I've been thinking this whole time how all the other anti-social personalities annoy me but I haven't even looked in the mirror at my own anti-social behavior. So when my partner comes back home from work I'm going to talk to them about making an effort to go to these events regularly.


Can't wait to see what happens when the clock strikes midnight and he discovers his dog is dead for real

[–] janny@hexbear.net 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

i've lived like this and trust me you don't want this. the place becomes infested with bugs and mold and the fridge becomes unusuable because it's so full and you end up eating out way more which kills alot of the money you saved by living in a shithole.

Plus god forbit you don't wake up 2 hours before work and you have to choose between go to work smelling like shit or being 45 minutes late because there's a line to the shower

[–] janny@hexbear.net 30 points 1 year ago (3 children)

strong agree. honestly alot of the lefty urbanite types here don't realize you can make very pleasant areas with multi-family units and attached single family units that provide walkable ammenities and don't have to force people to live in 600 sq ft.

[–] janny@hexbear.net 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That doesn't mean much really. The failure rate for going vegetarian or vegan is about the same, between 80-90%. It's about the same for any major dietary change. Changing what you eat is extremely difficult, no matter what the change is, weather it's eating less, eating more, or eating different foods. Most people will fall back into old habits at some point. It's not an individual problem, it's a problem with the food industry and society, like you said in the last paragraph. That doesn't mean individuals shouldn't try change where they can though. It's much harder than it should be, but it is worthwhile at the end of the day.

I mean, it does mean much. It means that any attempt at doing so is more or less fruitless and people who say otherwise are just exhibiting confirmation bias and are almost certainly more privileged than the 90%. And of course I'd also say that's why moralizing vegetarian or vegan diets is also nonsense for the same reason.