
joined 9 months ago
[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Sometimes it seems pigeons choose nest spots based on a dare.

Just watched as the local daddy magpie gave a swark at someone who overreacted, swung around and started Maggie gave them a bit of a swoop. Guy jogged off shaken and then I went up to the magpie and got a swark too. Said my normal "hello Maggie". We had a few quiet words and swarks back and forth and I wandered home.

Not gonna lie, I feel a little bit special as a chosen maggie friend.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

Nice one - nothing soothes the mind more than hours on the open road.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

Ok that is 1000x icker than I was thinking.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

My wins /gratitude list today

βœ… up at six after a good night's sleep.

βœ… Good food packed for work

βœ… Yummy coffee is yummy.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago


[–] 16 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Thanks everyone for the support yesterday. Despite feeling it was impossible I called in sick today and have spent the day sleeping (proper sleep not depression hiding I think) and on the couch listening to gentle music and journalling. Cleaned the kitchen. Haven't eaten much but it's good food. Drinking lots of water. About to go wash my hair.

My brain is exponentially calmer now. I wouldn't say I am looking forward to work tomorrow but it's not making me cry. I needed to just....stop.

Hopefully this is the circuit breaker I needed 🀞

Tomorrow - early start, good food at regular times, decent bedtime.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

❀️ having little sancuaries of friendliness on the internets makes a big difference. thanks

[–] 11 points 4 days ago (7 children)

mental health stuff - working stuff out by writing....

I had a lovely day out with friends but struggled to get any enjoyment out of it, and to focus on the moment (very brainfoggy). Made me realise I'm further down the depression path then I thought. I've had a few big stressful things going on that have made me anxious and down. But it's gone beyond external - haven't felt this disconnected and ...grey... for a long time.

I came home and went straight to bed - just felt completely overwhelmed. Have managed to make dinner finally by putting on a podcast for company. And that's rice and dal so I'll get lunch out of it too. I need to plan out my work week - it's busy and I like to get ahead of it on sunday but I'm just burned. No I can't realistically take a mental health day or three right now either (for reasons, trust me)

So. this week I will:

  • Eat breakfast and lunch and at least a light dinner. I can boil an egg if needed
  • Sleep by 10pm and I will be out of bed by 6:30. If I can, go for a walk. If not, just stand outside for a few moments.
  • keep cutting back on sugar and lay off the alcohol for the week - neither help
  • Take meds and add in a multivitamin (I have a half a container I bought when I was getting over the flu).

god, that sounds exhausting. And I need to realise it is exhausting - so I will use my 'spoons' for food, washing, sleeping, moving. And the work I have to do. That's going to be it this week.

I'm going to post here to try to keep track. Hopefully it's just from stress/burnout and I can get back out of the hole with a couple of weeks of care.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Yep was full on for five minutes


Fingers crossed its not H5N1.


My old xps13 is old in the tooth and the new ones have some things I don't like. So I am after recommendations. My preferences

  • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian friendly). Happy to wipe and install and will check compatibility beforehand but if anyone has a Linux daily driver they love let me know
  • good CPU and decent RAM (32gb would be nice)
  • Lightweight - smaller preferred (currently on a 13" and happy)
  • Touchscreen would be nice
  • Usb-c
  • Decent battery life

I have access to other machines for heavy GPU stuff that's not as important as CPU and RAM.


  • Programming/terminal use
  • Reading docs and papers
  • Watching movies etc
  • No gaming

That's my wishlist. What do you suggest, Aussie tech friends?

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