
joined 6 months ago
[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 5 points 10 hours ago

Y'a quand même des news qui donnent le smile

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 1 points 1 week ago

If you don’t count Mighty N°9 /s

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 2 points 2 weeks ago

Maybe I should write it with a sharpie or something.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 6 points 1 month ago
  1. The united left wants a sixth with major change from that slow inefficient fifth.
[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 29 points 1 month ago (1 children)

At best left, not remotely far left.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 1 points 2 months ago

Jokes on them, haven't given a single one!


Never seen the movie before, I don't expect it to be very good but I'm happy with this haul.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

D'un côté, je vois mal le Sénat et l'Assemblée voter aux deux tiers une destitution, surtout pas à l'initiative de la gauche.

Mais de l'autre, si la situation actuelle dure, ce sera intenable pour l'ensemble des parlementaires donc bon pourquoi pas après tout.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 1 points 2 months ago

C'est un grand classique malheureusement. Comme la façon de présenter la question importe, la façon de présenter le résultat aussi.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 10 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Nowhere. You cannot pre-order it anymore, it just vanished.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 1 points 2 months ago

Don't worry, I have plenty of files myself. But this way, the LD does not end in a landfield and it doesn't consume any juice.

[–] hylobates@jlai.lu 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Quality aside (it's composite 480i), no menu, no ad, no unskipable bullshit.

And I'm the owner of the disk, not Disney.


Of course I took the photo after deblistering it but still…



J’utilise actuellement OVH comme Registrar (comme Registrar, je précise, j’héberge les zones moi-mêmes chez moi et sur un VPS loué ailleurs) et il se trouve qu’ils ont plein de bogues relous. Le dernier en date : impossible d’activer DNSSEC (via le transfert DS) si un des Name Servers est en IPv6.

Voilà, ça commence à me péter les noix donc je cherche un autre registrar qui seraient moins pénibles. Sachant que je me fous complètement de ce qu’il héberge puisque je le fais moi-même, je cherche donc essentiellement du prix et moins d’emmerdes.

Est-ce que vous auriez des recommandations éventuelles ?


Le tout dernier est assez frappant : on y voit l’effrondrement des deux blocs historiques, l’avènement du centre et son lent déclin.


C'était donc un inside job depuis le début. Qui aurait pu prédire ?


Je crois bien que nos camarades américains ont très très mais alors très très bien compris le sens de l’humour français et que même ils approuvent.

(ce post ne concerne que le premier sujet)


EDIT: Thanks everyone for you help, that has been very instructive. I think I just have a very poor quality cable adapter. Given that Blueretro is mostly an opensource DIY project, I’ll make a cable adapter myself instead of trying to fix what would obviously not function properly.

Hi everyone,

First of all let me say that I’m a total noob in electronics (I really only know the basics) and I’m facing an issue that I really don’t know how to tackle.

I have bought a Blueretro NES adapter on Aliexpress (this one) and it does behave erratically when powered by the console alone (Bluetooth not working, LED indicator down, random outputs to the console).

When I’m powering via USB, everything function properly.

So I guessed that I might have a voltage issue on the NES side. I tested mine and make a few friend test theirs (5 in total including mine) and the result is still the same: the controller ports outputs between 4.6 and 4.8V instead of 5V.

The Blueretro itself apparently uses an AMS1117 (picture here) which, from my understanding, is stepping down 5V to 3.3V (wild guess, I don’t really know what it does, just quickly read the datasheet).

So, sorry for the long intro, here are my questions:

  • Is it wise to try to step up the voltage from the NES to the Blueretro from 4.6V to 5V? How would it be possible? Is it even possible?
  • Given that the Blueretro is taking 3.3V apparently, is it possible to step down from 4.6V to 3.3V instead? Is it wiser than stepping up?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post :)

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