Stylish as hell! Love the corset and Morticia vibes!
I like how much they are turning the screw…
But it’ll be good if I don’t die first, right?
I was in Kaysville, Utah which is know for being one of the creepier cities in Utah. I was in a store (one of the type that was once a house in residential until it was rezoned as commercial and turned into a store) and shopping around. The house/store had an upstairs that was ‘employee only’.
I shopped there for like thirty minutes and the whole time the owner’s kids were upstairs playing around. As I was leaving I heard some giggling upstairs and I said to the cashier “sounds like they’re having fun”. She looked at me dead ass and said: “you hear them too?” She was wide and teary eyed. It freaked me the hell out.
I was like “yeaahh…” and she shook her head slowly and was like “there’s no kids up there. Hasn’t been since we bought the place…”
Still weirded out by that one.
See the turtle of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; He holds us all within his mind. On his back all vows are made; He sees the truth but may not said. He loves the land and loves the sea, And even loves a child like me