
joined 2 years ago
[–] 26 points 1 month ago (6 children)


I distrust toots that assert something without providing a link
I was lucky and found a link to the 31K figure; sounds partially like it does NOT apply to all homeless people, just some small percentage, so probably a bullshit number

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

@benfulton @bloomington_in

If YIMBYs are in favor of turning parks into asphalt, then YIMBYs are bad

but terms and conditions apply; what I said is certainly true for NYC or Chicago, maybe not Bloomington

but in general the willingness of YIMBYs to pave over grass is IMO really bad IMO

[–] 1 points 9 months ago


yeah, I agree VOTE and also, we need candidates contesting all seats, but really shouldn't pour money into things that look like loosers

I guess that is a self fufilling prophecy ? and also it is hard to tell in advance who will win and loose ?

but in 2018/2020 we wasted several hundred million dollars on senate races (in addittion to Beto/AM, Maine, SC and some others) so .

I dunno what to do

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)


Ok, now what do we do ?

I would think:

- contact your state and local elected official to try to make sure that protections for women are as strong as possible

- if your state is having an referendum on the 2024 ballot, well, you should be helping, right ?

- if you can, send money to elect and re elect dem, from Biden/Congress down to local level (sheriffs - huge !!)

while somehow, dunno how, avoiding money pits like Beto and Amy McGrath