
joined 8 months ago
[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

maybe? it's impossible to predict what effects that would have resulted in but what we ended up with now isn't exactly great.

your options now are either full subscription only, with little audience and a huge barrier to get users as you have tonconvince them it's worth a full size payment.

or convince someone else to pay you, e.g referral links and sponsored posts. this leads to low quality 'reviews' where the best affiliate program wins.

or put advertisers content in your site..and deal with people blocking it, and all the seo spam to get viewers onto those ads..

or..monetize your service by harvesting data on your users to then sell to whoever is willing to pay you for that data..also not good.

maybe if we figured out micropayments early we could have avoided some of that. or maybe we'd just have all of that on top of micropayments. or something even worse to maximize micropayments.

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

well yes, but it's profitable because customers continue to buy their products and services.

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

the problem with blaming companies is none of them do this out of desire to hurt the environment. they do it to meet customer demand.

as an example imagine if we all stopped buying gas from Shell. their environmental impact would plummet...and their competitors impact would go up as we continue to buy the same amount of gas from other companies

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

as a newcomer i would just suggest getting a USB storage of some kind as they are cheap and the alternatives are not at all easy or obvious.

if you really want to do it without one, you could create a new fat32 partition and install freedos on it and dual boot to that and use that to run the bios updater-- assuming they have one for dos and not only a windows version, otherwise you'd need to do that but with an actual windows install. Modern windows doesn't require a license so you could just get win10 or 11.

but the act of resizing your disks or trying to reconfigure your bootloader(and especially installing windows) are all things that can easily result in you breaking your Linux install, likely irrecoverably without even more in depth work. so really..only do this if you're at least okay with the idea of reinstalling Linux and losing all of your data and spending a lot of time learning more than you might want to about how these things work.

so definitely easier to just get a cheap USB drive.

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 13 points 2 weeks ago

growing it like a garden is a perfect phrase imo

because on windows or Mac it may have just worked. ..until it doesn't, or leaves your windows scaled wrong or placed on monitors that don't exist or some other failure condition. at which point you reboot and hope for the best.

when it doesn't work on Linux I'd check logs, actual configuration, and even the source if I need to.and then I'd hopefully improve things and make it work the way I want it to.

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

i have physical access to my own yubikey and can't make a backup copy. someone else who only temporarily has access to it being able to do so is definitely a vulnerability.

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

unions are a harder sell in an industry like tech where it's common to have a diverse skill set spanning work that could arguable each be it's own union. does a full stack dev have to join the database admin union before they can write sql queries?

those diverse skill sets also make the individual value of workers fluctuate a lot more as well.

I still like the idea of unions but I just don't know how you can make them work for tech;if anyone has any good resources on the subject I'd love to read more about it

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 22 points 2 weeks ago

it sounds like you understand the value of using water to clean your butthole after you poop.. so why not spend the $30 on a bidet just in case you ever do have a poop and don't want to shower? or hell just so you don't use as much TP before hopping in the shower. or for anyone else using your toilet and not wanting to hop in the shower..

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

there's also the impact of having less consistency in hours. i.e if I work Friday and don't work Monday but am blocked waiting for someone whondoesnt work friday..it's waiting until Tuesday.

[–] eyeon@lemmy.world 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

would Americans even consider that taking down the internet? It wouldn't impact a US client talking to a US server.

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