
joined 1 year ago
[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Shouldn't be, though. Humans deserve rest.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

TBH, it sounds like you should go with a distro that makes no assumptions. Like an Arch/Endeavor. It definitely sounds like you're current distro doesn't meet your needs/ideals if you're this angry about a default change.

Let's be fair to the distro maintainers, though. They have the option to either keep shipping and developing against abandoned code, or they move with upstream. Since no one is developing X11 anymore, they're all moving to the new stuff. Most of them changed defaults years ago, too. Hard to develop new features when X is so long in the tooth.

The writing has been on the wall about the death of X11 for a long time, now. No one stepped up to fork it or take over maintenance. So it goes. But this is Linux, so you're free to run it forever. Or even fork and maintain it yourself.

FWIW, Wayland+Nvidia was fine for me. Promising, even, considering how new it is. There are bugs to squash, sure, but there always are in new software.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

It happens. Apology accepted. You don't have to downvote yourself, lol.

Thank you for being mature enough to recognize the situation for what it was and to reply with honest self-reflection.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Ummm... Sure... Progress takes time, and it won't speed up at all if everyone says "it's not ready," and edge cases never get tested. I mean, the project is sixsteen years old now. It's been more than just " pretty good" for years at this point.

And I doubt that your distro is going to drop X11 session support anytime soon. So if you reinstall, you may need to do one more step to make that the default. Big whoop.

But the real meat here is that you had a bad experience something like a year ago, and it seems like you've developed true hatred over it. Would it help to know that Nvidia and Wayland play nicely now? They have for quite some time.

FWIW, I had very little trouble with xwayland even years ago. It didn't really require any setup for me. It just kinda worked. Sure, there will always be SOME weirdness, but overall it's been working really well for years.

Anyways, I'm sure you can still toggle over to your X session for years to come. At least until your DE decides it wants to go wayland only.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Nice insult, I guess? Is that the new thing instead of calling someone a bot?

Anyways, I guess the explanation of how OP took the traditional brownshirt and updated it to fit the color that represents Trump in order to propose that his fascist forces could be called 'orangeshirts' just kinda flew over your head, huh? It's ok, maybe you'll get it somewhere down the line.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Oh, I'm firmly against genocide. I'm also against the death penalty. I lean a lot more socialist and am what most on the right would consider an "extreme leftist" (even though my views are pretty much center left when you consider global politics).

I think that relations with Israel are very complex, and Biden is fucking them up. I don't support what his administration is doing in thar regard.

But I also lived through the last Trump presidency, and I know what is at stake. Most of the astroturfing we've seen aimed at the left for the last decade, at least, has been an attempt to suppress the Democratic vote by latching onto a single issue to point to and say, "see! The Democrats are just as bad!"

When people don't show up for the presidential, down ballot votes suffer, too.

And in the end, will you want to vote for the guy who supports Israel and wants to destroy democracy, or the guy who supports Israel and wants to retain democracy? Because those are the likely choices.

So keep the pressure on. Call your representatives and let them know of your disapproval. But please stop with this, "the Democrats are evil because of this one thing," bullshit. Politics are complicated, and you should be able to recognize and weigh more than one issue at a time.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago (3 children)

If you're not skeptical of single issue leftists, then you should be more skeptical in general.

We know that there was a LOT of foreign astroturfing in 2016. And 2020. 2024 will likely repeat this trend, but armed with AI.

We've already seen one weak "it was AI and fake" argument from Roger Stone. Going to see a lot more of that this year, too.

So he careful who you trust, because they just might have an agenda.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago (6 children)

I mostly agree with your response, except for chastising OP about the color of the shirt. They start by mentioning brown, then parenthetically say "orange" as an unveiled reference to Trump.

This is because Trump is known to use a LOT of bronzer that turns his skin an unusual orange color. So what OP was trying to do was to relate the brownshirts to the presumed task force that Trump would create if he became a dictator.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

So they're saying we need a steeper exit tax too? OK, let's goooooooo

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

You don't lose your right to vote just for being arrested. In Colorado, the person would need to be a convicted, currently-incarcerated felon to lose their right to vote. Felons who have completed their sentences (even if they're out on parole) regain their voting rights.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago (6 children)

Nobody is going to make you vote one way or another, but please recognize the following:

The United States is currently a two party system. It sucks. We need to push for more ranked choice voting, as well as direct popular vote.

However, until we're able to achieve something that makes this parties viable, we will continue to have issues with the right wing getting undue influence in our politics.

Vote with your heart, but make sure that you're okay with another Trump presidency of you decide not to vote for Biden.

Keep in mind as you do so that more than one state had enough votes for Jill Stein that if they had gone to Hillary, Trump never would have become president.

We should have viable parties outside of the two not great to horrible parties we have now. But that's simply not the way our government works as it stands now.

Last thing: you've become a single issue voter. This is the lefty equivalent of only caring about abortion and ignoring literally everything else. Politics is complicated, and I personally find single issue voters incredibly shortsighted and lazy.

[–] drewofdoom@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Foreign policy has nothing to do with fascism. Like literally nothing. Any form of government could do that.

Besides that, Republicans have done just as bad. Oliver North comes to mind...

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