joined 3 years ago
[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 11 points 2 weeks ago

I wonder if this would at least really fuck with AI face detection cameras.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 11 points 2 weeks ago

Seems that his own words should mean that the Dems should actually be doing everything possible to help third parties elevated. If he and the Dems really and truly cared about stopping the very party that they constantly say is both fascist and overall evil/threat to freedom. Then they should be actively push through full access of at least the Green Party. Which they don't want, even if it means constantly moving to the right. Fuck them and their fake concern and fear mongering. They show their true colours by how they reacted to the Trump shooting. If he is truly the "biggest threat to actual freedom" then they should have said nothing at the very least.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 38 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Them admitting this just seems to be the same tactics that are meant to be "scary" and create false demand for more money. With it being an election year and all, it means the corpo parties will both trip over each other to provide blank checks. Like always.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 1 points 2 months ago

I just figured that a server would show as a space and have the rooms listed. But I am also not a big Matrix user and after reading your reply, I did check the spaces I have joined and they do seem to be from the default Matrix server. I also just noticed that even though I joined the vetting questions and answers rooms that someone that joined after me gave answers. But I don't see any questions provided since I joined like 48hrs ago being sent to me. So I might just make a second account via the actual server. Just noticed that the Element app seems to not have a multi account option. So will just need to either be logging in and out to check for stuff in my current stuff. Or maybe find a new app that can allow quick changing between accounts. Thanks though for replying.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I am trying to load the server on Element. Was looking at the info from the sidebar about how to join. But I am missing something I think. It says that if I am using my account from the default matrix server that I need an email. But it doesn't say where I need to use that in order to find the server to join. I can manage to search and find individual rooms, but not like a main way to have the server itself with the subrooms show up. Do you happen to know what I might be missing?

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 8 points 2 months ago

Getting the feeling that this will be both the US fascist equivalent of both the Reichstag fire and the faked Polish invasion of Germany. The fascists of both parties will be tripping over themselves to hand all power over.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 3 points 2 months ago

Thanks, that shit is hilarious. They really focus on the anti-US stuff, but never want to see why folks in the DPRK would feel that way after the "bomb them to the stone-age" shit we did. Let alone the forced bans on DPRK being able to freely deal with other nations. Good reminder of how gleefully ignorant and indoctrinated our own government supported propaganda mouthpieces are.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 14 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Do you have a link to this?

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

If you have a need to have an MS account but want to set your Documents, Desktop, and Pictures folders back to the old local versions instead of OneDrive taking over. I have found using this to be very helpful when helping customers that don't want to use it and avoid the headache of running out of the free storage. Obviously making a local user after getting into Windows the first time would also work. But it is always good to have fallback options for folks that Linux isn't an option for whatever reason.

If a folder has been taken over by OneDrive it will give a path that shows OneDrive like C\Users\User\OneDrive\Desktop instead of %USERPROFILE%\Desktop so just remove everything before the \ and replace it with %USERPROFILE%

One thing to keep in mind though. If you already have data present while it is set to OneDrive, it might make your stuff look like it is gone. But you can download/copy the files from the actual OneDrive folders into the regular folders after.

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 10 points 3 months ago

They were able to see how fucked up the war on drugs was with regards to weed (and of course alcohol). And they want to make bad shit like addiction even worse by further fucking over people. Just more of the right-liberal alliance just putting more people behind bars for addiction and the crime of being poor. No changing of the material conditions that create both issues. Of course the rich and famous will not be impacted. They get to just go to cushy "rehab centres" and make donations to the pigs (which are always on call to remove the "untouchables" from sight).

[–] dRLY@hexbear.net 13 points 3 months ago

They really seem to ignore that said conscripts are more or less handed weapons by the oppressors committing genocide. And puts them in a good position to just take all the weapons they can and build an armed resistance with said weapons. They might have been forced into being there, but they could be finding others and merc-ing the genocidal and apartheid fucks. If the right-wing govs want to unintentionally arm the left and other people that know said govs are evil. Then it seems foolish to not exploit the fuck out of it. Even if the conscripts might have been initially not against their govs. The moment that they wake the fuck up, it is basically still supporting evil if they don't rebel. Shit is already a war, so the otherwise regular day to day things that might hold someone back are gone. You are either going to be killed for following orders and attacking the oppressed. Or you might get killed for fighting back. If being killed is likely anyway, then fucking at least be on the correct side of shit.


Not a bad idea, but it would mean needing to use Opera GX. So I kind of hope it gets cloned to other browsers in the same way that Private/Incognito/"Porn" Mode has. Speaking as someone that works on lots of non-corp/business computers. This would be perfect for lots of people, and not even just for the obvious use-case.

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