
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 9 months ago

Your explanation is logical and sounds like a good marxist analysis. Thx for correcting


It's not just a way to understand what's happening around me, but also to learn about who I truly am. Considering that it's a little related to psychology, the concept is somewhat unclear. Consequently, when I speak about this subject, it sounds vague. That being said, I will try to avoid any of this in this post.

The post is basically about “human nature” and its connection to alienation.

The earliest humans reshaped their environment to overcome the cruelty of nature by improving their living conditions. As a result, they eventually divided themselves into a class system due to limited resources. There were an increasing number of people but not enough resources for everyone, which pushed them into class-societies. Well that's how I see it anyway.

We are social animals, both as individuals and as a society. In the face of life-threatening dangers, we are forced to become selfish and reduce ourselves to individuals. The fact remains, however, that we are significantly more likely to survive when we are living in safe communities. I like to believe that this is the dialectics of morality.

The human brain, combined with its hands, both working together are responsible for our evolution into modern humans. We could have only reached our state of consciousness if this “process” never stopped. Our continuous cooperation with each other was the only possibility for this to be successful.

It is necessary that this process always leads to more effective communication with our comrades, notably developing language, in parallel with improving our living conditions. It is only by doing so, that we will enhance our tools and the process itself. To me, this must be a law in evolution, simply because the transition from ape to man cannot be done without developing our ability to communicate. In other words, we have to be a sort of friendly, loving, and helpful person. Those qualities must have been different for each period of human history, depending on the modes of production. We can see those qualities' benefits as we make our way from capitalism to socialism. However, I can't deny the atrocities committed throughout history. That being said, it does seem like after each change of modes of production it gets better. The opposing forces keep the best aspects of each while simultaneously merging, and putting the seeds of its next collapse. This is why I believe in a dialectics of morality.

To be clear, this camaraderie is certainly not with our opponents, but for each other as comrades. Only those who help us build the new world can genuinely be regarded in this way. Our efforts will attract countless others as we move toward a socialist society. The connection between us is going to be the foundation of this new society we are working to establish. It's a feeling of mutual trust, rather than a competitive distrust.

I always hated the idea of “survival of the fittest”. Without a Marxist perspective, a person cannot understand what it means to be the “fittest”. I am certain the most important factor for our evolution is cooperation, as it has always been and will remain this way. As social animals with consciousness, we are in the hands of our emotions. Yea, I know that's vague.

What we call “self-consciousness” can only be developed with more than a hundred thousand years of cumulative socialization. Our best tool, in the end, is our capacity to connect to those around us in a meaningful way. As we continue to evolve, the physical structure of our bodies no longer appears to benefit our evolutionary success. I believe that our brains are experiencing an evolutionary development, both in the area of intelligence and emotions. There is no doubt that evolution continues to be relevant to this day. And for clarity, I am not talking about an idealist view of evolution, in which humans become one single organism, whether telepathically or technologically.

The nature of humans is to live in peace together, which is undermined by class-society. I believe alienation is a manifestation of such a situation. We're losing control of our collective efforts, and it leaves us feeling lost.

The peace within an individual is connected to the peace within society as a whole. The two cannot function independently of the other. It's the same in a family living together. And as long as the family has any connection with others, such as neighbors, the formula still applies.

In reality, we are not necessarily antagonistic to each other, but to our environment. To conclude, once we win the fight against the cruelty of nature we will find nothing of this cruelty in the communist human beings.


During this entire period, we underwent a massive transformation, which further exacerbated all contradictions.

Currently, the empire is shifting its efforts towards AI technologies for developing new means of production. According to the World Economic Forum, it will eliminate 85 million jobs and create 97 million. Assuming the numbers are correct, the 85 million unemployed will need to get a new education to get jobs related to this industry. Since there is a high cost of living and education, the vast majority of those unemployed people will not be able to learn the necessary related skills. There are normally subscription fees associated with AI apps for content creators, as well. It is inevitable that prices will rise, severely restricting their accessibility to the working class. The wealth of the workers will experience a significant shift towards the bourgeois class located in California's Silicon Valley.

The development of AI will not lead to machines becoming conscious, we must experience material reality for millions of years in order to be anything close to humans. It will, however, deprive the individual of their sense of self.

Streaming services will use the technology to push their own soul-draining AI generated content. Podcasts and audiobooks are going to be voiced by AI, it will be used in music, and images will be unrecognizable from standard ones. Several advanced AI voice services are already available from websites and require an expensive monthly subscription. Blogs, articles and any written content that is profitable will no longer be made by humans. Most AI writing apps require a monthly payment as well. The western internet will be filled with bots spreading propaganda and advertising products relentlessly to consumers. It is inevitable that everyone will be forced out of this AI-dominated environment.

China, however, is a socialist-state and can therefore use these innovations solely for the benefit of its workers, in accordance with government regulations. Only states that are able to prioritize worker interests rather than bourgeois interests will remain relevant during their artificial intelligence development stage. Automation and AI technology, along with Universal Basic Income, are seen by many as the missing parts of capitalism that will allow it to function properly. It will only lead to resentment and despair among workers. Consequently, reformists are exposed as naive.

The bourgeois vampires in Silicon Valley are producing exactly what will end their miserable existence. As our alienation reaches its logical conclusion, the only way we are going to find relief is by reclaiming our humanity outside of the soul-draining apparatus that will surround us, which has existed for ages and now appears to have taken its final manifestation. This new advanced means of production is a threat to the future of our commodities. The long-term effect of artificial intelligence on workers is, to simply put, complete alienation. People who consume anything will cease to see it as a product of the human species, but as a strange product generated entirely from an external force. The worker and the commodity it's supposed to consume, will essentially be detached, existing in separate realities. The forces that dominated us collectively are manifesting themselves in commodities - not as representations of workers' labor, but as manifestations of the bourgeoisie’s miserable existence. I will explain this better later in the post.

Ai technology is expected to provide people with much needed relief, which is why it is currently profitable for the capitalists to invest in it. But relief from what? The bourgeoisie itself! In other words, there is a contradiction. Artificial intelligence will produce commodities workers don't want or need. It won't provide workers with greater independence from their meaningless jobs or improve their material conditions at least as long as the bourgeoisie controls automation and AI.

The importance of this cannot be overstated – social media will be flooded with bots promoting brands or political ideologies – they will present themselves as humans and sell the consumer an "experience". For example, sharing an emotional story about a vacation while mentioning products, or fabricating a negative story against oppressed minorities that incites anger among the target reactionary audience.

The means of production associated with these commodities will show itself as having absolutely zero worker control, and as it happens, it will expose its owners, the bourgeoisie and the state that protects them. By failing to regulate the emerging AI tech under capitalism, the capitalist-state exposes itself for what it is, an instrument for maintaining world hegemony, along with exploitation and violence against the working class. They certainly intend to use AI to spy on us, to spread propaganda, and to inflict physical violence against us by integrating it in their police forces and military.

Capitalists are always looking for cheaper labor, which will lead them to rely on artificial intelligence. When UBI cannot be implemented as well as the global south finally breaking its ties with the empire, the working class will realize they are essentially expendable. The workers can only submit to the capitalist class so long as they feel they can influence the economy. There will come a time when people concede that they cannot control production or the state – at this point, the state should collapse, be overthrown, and the means of production seized.

As society develops, it produces commodities based on its environment. These commodities eventually change the lives of individuals, which in turn reshapes the environment, leading to the production of new commodities, incorporating these changes. A commodity is the result of its environment and humans are a commodity. If we become increasingly alienated during this process, it will be manifested in our commodities.

As the means of production are improved, and inevitably held by fewer people with each advancement, the workers become further alienated from it. Workers gradually lose control over the advancing means of production, which naturally create large amounts of commodities once sufficiently advanced, with a decline in worker involvement.

In the process of improving our means of production, we incorporate our worsening alienation into all its aspects. Our new advanced means of production, namely artificial intelligence, can only produce commodities to satisfy alienated worker-consumers, which in turn make commodities that further alienate them.

In this way, AI tech will merely produce commodities to give some meaning to the emptiness of worker-consumers. When attempting to gain some power in the workplace, workers are seeking to satisfy their real needs - to relieve their feelings of alienation and seize the means of production. It is comparable to climbing up the corporate hierarchy. Since this cannot happen to the near-majority, our false needs will dictate commodities that we, and the bourgeoisie, produce and consume. Basically commodities that give us a sense of purpose, but it can only be a false purpose. The act of escaping reality, such as through ideologies, movies, tv shows, video games, and social media just to name a few.

Our commodities, therefore, do not satisfy workers' real needs, but contribute to our collective alienation. The (false)purpose of our existence becomes manufactured escapism.

It is inevitable to conclude that commodities, themselves becoming gradually alienated in relation to workers, will not make sense to worker-consumers at the end of this mode of production. Both of them should seem to live in a different reality - which is in contradiction with one another. Humans are social animals and cannot live outside reality through escapism. If this continues, mental illness will certainly follow.

In the end, commodities will not give workers’ any satisfactions, instead they are only reflections of our alienation, which has taking the form of worthless commodities and its ads pushed by bots on all social media. This is no longer a workers' commodity, it solely represents its real owner, the bourgeoisie, and becomes a reflection of its meaningless existence.

...or maybe i am completely wrong idk

[–] 7 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I appreciate you confirming some of my assumptions and I understand what you mean by guilty pleasure. It seems unfair to compare the series to the work of Kubrick, who I consider was one of the most talented directors ever. It's supposed to be a fun series, and that's all there is to it. Many viewers would probably find the film boring and far from exciting.


For those who don't know, Spartacus was a slave who escaped from a gladiator camp and who eventually became an influential leader of a slave rebellion during the times of ancient Rome. Not much is known about him due to the lack of historical records.

I consider "Spartacus" by Stanley Kubrick to be one of the best films ever made. While I haven't personally watched the popular TV series of this historical legend, from what I've observed, it seems to be hypersexualized and glorifying violence for consumerist entertainment. Watching some of the clips on YouTube, I found the heavy metal music quite a contrast to Kubrick's use of a romantic ambiance music for his movie. There is a reason why the movie's main song is called "love theme". Also, keep in mind that my post will contain spoilers for the Kubrick movie and Braveheart, both the endings being compared later.

Recently, I viewed a clip from the TV series where a slave gladiator is approached by a woman who flirts with him. He eventually tells her that love makes a man too weak to fight before a battle and politely turns down her attempts to seduce him. Of course, the scene is also oversexualized.

Kubrick's Spartacus is noticeably different from this scene. Similarly, in the movie, slave owners offer Spartacus a woman slave to have sex with, but he outright refuses. He screams to his captors that he is not an animal. Despite her getting undressed, he still refuses and is clearly uncomfortable, causing his captors to laugh at him. The woman slave and him quickly fall in love together later in the story, and she plays an important role in the plot. I can easily see the differences between the movie and the TV series from viewing both scenes.

Aside from that, the series looks inadequate in portraying the message of liberation, it presents a lot of over sexualization and violence that goes beyond what is needed. It is intended for those who do not wish to participate in rebellions in any way in their lives, but would rather watch them while enjoying themselves with violent and sexual scenes. To put it simply, I will never watch the television series. The movie is romantic and inspirational, both qualities lacking in the series. There seems to be no love in the characters' hearts.

It is as Che Guevara famously said: “The true revolutionaries are guided by the great feelings of love.” He uses the word “true” for a reason. Another legend we can't help but be inspired by is Che, he was a poet, a doctor, a military leader, and a Marxist theorist. An exemplary communist human being. Love can't be idealist, as long as it aligns with Marxist dialectics. Despite the material world coming first, we can still be guided by our feelings. In the end, we are still humans with emotions. Che's life is a testament to the value and necessity of fighting for justice passionately. All that to say the Spartacus TV series looks really bad compared to the movie due to lack of a passion for liberation and being filled with hyper-sexuality and overly violent scenes.

As for the real Spartacus himself, in Karl Marx's view, he considered him to be heroic and the embodiment of the ancient proletariat’s attempt for liberation. Around World War 1, this legend even influenced the Spartacus League, a communist movement from Germany. It was founded by socialists such as Rosa Luxemburg. Also named after Spartacus is the village of Spartak in the Donetsk region of Ukraine.

According to the commonly accepted story about the rebellion, roughly 70 slaves were involved in the initial stages of the revolt. Despite their small numbers, they seized kitchen utensils, fought their way out of the gladiator camp, seized several wagons of weapons and armor, and eventually expanded into an actual army. It was also likely that Spartacus was a Roman soldier before he became a slave. I found it fascinating that they used kitchen stuff to liberate themselves in the very beginning of the revolt. It demonstrates that no matter how dire the situation may be, there is still a way to escape. We should always be inspired to liberate or even just improve ourselves through whatever option is available to us. There is a possibility that it will lead to something that is more effective later on.

The story of Spartacus in Kubrick's movie is the interpretation I admire the most. The revolt was sparked from the kitchen, as mentioned earlier. It's hard for me to recall all the details of the story. However, throughout the movie, Spartacus' motivations are clear: his love for a woman, loyalty to his comrades, and longing for freedom. Quite similar to Braveheart, which I also enjoy, but Mel Gibson's films are very historically inaccurate even with having reliable historical sources for his stories.

The two films have similar iconic endings. In Braveheart, our protagonist dies after screaming out "freedom" as his final words. His comrades stood silently by as he was executed. While in the movie Spartacus, after a final confrontation that ended in a massacre, the Roman soldiers demanded the remaining surviving rebels to identify Spartacus. It is the real one who identifies himself first. Then, one by one, each claimed to be him by shouting "I'm Spartacus!". Crassus has them all sentenced to death by crucifixion along the Via Appia, where the revolt began. From the beginning of the revolt until their tragic death, the former slaves were his true revolutionary comrades. They did not remain silent during their final moments as rebels. Love, loyalty, and the desire for freedom were all values shared by Spartacus and all those who fought alongside him.

Spartacus' story, whether it is real, myth or from a movie, illustrates the necessity of camaraderie and moving forward as one unit. The story inspires us to fight for a better world and to organize, even after centuries, as evidenced by the Spartacus League from Germany.

It is Spartacus' legacy that shows us that any group of people, no matter how weak at the beginning, can expand to become a force to reckon with, and even after being defeated, their valiant efforts resonated across generations, echoing for centuries, which are still influencing us today and with no end in sight.


It's not a complicated "conflict". Its obviously a genocide. Liberals who say both sides are to blame are participating in the massacres of Palestinians. It doesn't matter if hamas killed any number of Israelis. The so-called crimes that the Palestinians committed can never be equal to the crimes of their oppressors. Especially when their oppressors are killing them with a clear intent of genocide. It is disgusting that zionists hide behind their religion to justify what they do. All the liberals who defend them should get the wall.

[–] 46 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Social democracy is the moderate wing of fascism. The social democrats can only improve the conditions of western workers by exploiting the global south. In doing so, they are deteriorating the material conditions of the exploited countries. In addition, when they protect lgbt rights in western societies while also being imperialists, the rights of queer people in the global south are in danger because of “rainbow imperialism”. For a quick example that i can think of rn, there was an pic of an IOF soldier with a pride flag that was posted on lemmygrad recently. The authorities in those countries will associate lgbt with their oppressors. Due to this, they view lgbt as being inherently bad, an attribute unique to their oppressors. Those are just a few reasons as to why social democrats, like Bernie Sanders and tyt, are full of shit and only serve to make capitalism temporarily stable. They are the last line of defense to protect capitalism, mostly because they offer concessions to the workers of the global north at the expense of the global south.