
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I try to keep my TBR under 10 (different to my wish list which is books I want to read but don't have yet). If it goes over 10 I feel like I am just collecting books for the sake of it, which is not my hobby - I like reading, and keep my TBR short to make the best use of my time.

I find if my TBR gets long, and I get impulsive, I am really just building a list of dnf books. Every time I get impulsive, I just don't enjoy a lot of them.

I currently have the Wool Trilogy, and two early Xmas gifts to read. I am a little apprehensive of those, but want to give them a good go before I have another 'easy read'.

I also read a lot, and read fast, so that helps too.