Her name is Chaya Raichick and she is the most pathetic slime alive on the planet.
Hello Games we already forgave you and decided this game is good now you dont need to keep doing this.
Looks awesome though.
Completly unexpected behavior from the Autism Speaks supporter.
IF you can you should check out the one i recommended in this thread, Yesterday.
I still have my Playstation Magazine Demo discs (and my Tomba demo disc despite never playing the full game, and the demo disc that came with my PS1). There are a fair few games I only ever played in demo form lol.
Oh shit free games. I can add those to my library with just the click of a button and make my steam library's played games to unplayed games ratio even more embarassing! awwww loadout isnt available anymore :(
Love point and clicks. In fact of the two games I recomended myself in here one was one.
I stand by thinking doomering about reaching people being a bad practice but ok I recognize your personal experience.
Third time the game has already been in my steam library I have a problem.
Ooo a vita game nice. Sounds fun
I've unfortunately only been exposed to Two Worlds via the Projared reviews (lol oops) but I had read somewhere that them being bad isnt a universally heald opinion I think. Second one actually looked a bit fun, but ~~there being a cute orc girl in it is an advantage tbh~~
Unfortunately I learned this way too late in life and my internet footprint is brontosaurus sized. Its too late for me.