"Wake up mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes." -HalfLife 2
"Welcome, to the H.E.V, Mark 4, protective system. For use in hazardous environment conditions"
"Betrayer? In truth it was I, who was betrayed" "MORTAAAAARRRR... COMBAAAAT!" (Okay, all the quotes from Warcraft 3 units. So many!)
"I'm just an old man, plus me balls are saggy..." "Hell-o mechs... F%&# me! THE REAPERS ARE COMING, THE REAPERS ARE COMING!"
"What... is the color... of the night? Sanguine, my friend!"
"Wake up mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes." -HalfLife 2
"Welcome, to the H.E.V, Mark 4, protective system. For use in hazardous environment conditions"
"Betrayer? In truth it was I, who was betrayed" "MORTAAAAARRRR... COMBAAAAT!" (Okay, all the quotes from Warcraft 3 units. So many!)
"I'm just an old man, plus me balls are saggy..." "Hell-o mechs... F%&# me! THE REAPERS ARE COMING, THE REAPERS ARE COMING!"
"What... is the color... of the night? Sanguine, my friend!"