
joined 1 year ago
[–] YossiTheWizard@alien.top 1 points 1 year ago

My smartphone journey.

BlackBerry Storm2 iPhone 4 galaxy S4 Smattering of Androids, including more Samsung, an HTC, and an LG at the end before going back to Apple.

Why the android run? I’ve had computers since I was a kid that ran DOS. If my phone is slightly less user friendly, I can deal with it, and paying more for storage always soured me. I can get a microSD for $50 where the same amount of storage would run $150 on an iPhone (and that was a while ago, the price of SD cards came down hard).

It also made it convenient to get a new phone and move all of my stuff my transferring a small piece of plastic instead of using a service to do it.

My last android was the LG, and I 100%would have bought another if they still made phones, but they don’t. Dedicated sound chip that enables when I connect studio headphones? Count me in. It sounded great, and I compared my current iPhone 13 and my spare Samsung S5 I still have.

But I found I rarely need to move files from computer to phone anymore, and the base storage on an iPhone is enough now. The lack of a headphone jack was a turnoff, but my wireless earbuds are great (Sony something). Samsung is trying so hard to be an iPhone I didn’t want another one of those, so I just naturally went for the iPhone again. The autocorrect is still a bit too overzealous, but the interface is brilliant, and I don’t regret it. I don’t have any other Apple products and I’m happy with my choice.