
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

"You demand that I provide evidence for things that I didn't say."


"That might seem tactically clever, but is it honest?"

I disagree that you making things up and avoiding answering is tactically clever, and it is definitely dishonest.

"I ask for evidence to support things that you did say and you can only repeat your assertions."

this is also untrue

"Is repetition evidence?"

If you were this confused about basic definitions, I can see why you're having trouble.

what do you need help with specifically?

which fundamental facts are you having trouble finding sources for?

[–] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

I don't think that article is correct.

I've never understood subsequent realization to be integral to the dissonance itself, which already exists regardless of one's awareness of it.

It's like insisting that you are not depressed unless you "realize" you're depressed.

unless by "realization" that article simply mean experiencing conflicting emotions, which is the cognitive dissonance itself.

requiring "realization" of a feeling as a prerequisite to that feeling existing doesn't check out.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

if it's a task I have to do, I literally just make myself physically take the first step no matter how much I don't want to, because once I'm in media res, inertia kicks in.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

There are a ton of October holidays in India, including Diwali, the festival of lights, the biggest holiday in India, so I'm going to travel around the country in October and observe some celebrations!

and hopefully eat like the best fucking food everyday.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I was hoping for a much higher quality, but they're still kind of funny

[–] 21 points 1 day ago (5 children)

holding two conflicting beliefs at the same time.

like you don't believe in the death penalty, but you read about a child molester and want them to die.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (6 children)

if you don't understand the comments or you're confused, ask for help.

which part don't you understand or cannot find sources for?

"Israel cannot exist in its current state without the aid and protection the US provides it".

israel is a technologically advanced independent country with a functioning government, they have an enormous GDP across various industries, and they receive economic and military support from dozens of other countries.

it benefits Israel to receive billions of dollars every year from the US(as it benefits the US) as a historic mutual defense ally, but Israel is in no way entirely dependent on or explicitly beholden to the US.

"If the US actually wanted Israel to stop murdering civilians, it could have it done tomorrow."

how? there is no evidence for this.

The US is a third party to this conflict that, more obviously than ever, has limited diplomatic control over the actions of the current Israeli government and its military.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"The iron dome is funded and built with American hardware"

this is partly correct, as obama matched the billions of dollars israel spent on the iron dome.

"If the US disassembled it..."

the US has no right or obligation to "disassemble" another countries infrastructure any more than Nigeria has the right to disassemble the French metro; this is a non-starter.

"Israel would be unable to act with impunity towards its neighbors..."

this is entirely incorrect as Israel does not require US funding to maintain the iron dome, their military, or their aggression.

The annual GDP of Israel is something like 600 billion now, taking away the 3 billion the US gives them each year isn't going to make the difference you think it will, even ignoring all of the other countries that fund israel.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

a lot of aggregators just throw shit together, but 1440 works pretty hard on making sure their articles are simply reporting significant news from reliable sources.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

as far as a collection of news, I get a lot of it from 1440, which compiles current, objective news stories reliably.

I get ideas from the posts here, but I'm pretty careful about checking multiple sources before accepting any of the articles people post here as legitimate information.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (8 children)

none of those sources are at all relevant to the topic: provide evidence for either of these baseless statements:

"Israel cannot exist in its current state without the aid and protection the US provides it".

this statement is incorrect, as explained above.

"If the US actually wanted Israel to stop murdering civilians, it could have it done tomorrow."

this statement is incorrect, as explained above.



spoilersA human in morph dies right away so you know what you're getting into, then things are pretty much exploding and bring destroyed for the whole book while they protect a governor, which seems like a bit much until you reach the end of the book and the governor announces the yeerk invasion to the world.

which is a really great ending.

funny note, Marco talks about how did are ax great long-distance flight morph, and finished them to the reliability of a 747.

Maybe that was correct twenty years ago, when Boeing still did maintenance on their planes with sturdy materials.


What happened in the vegan community?

I hadn't heard about any of this until seeing that ToS post.


when tax time comes around, you fill out an IRS form called the FEIE, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion.

Check the "physical presence test" box, fill out your total income for that year, then write down the dates that you were not in the United States and where you were.

10 minutes, one extra form, no income taxes.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

This is one of my most consistently used life hacks.

key rings are extremely durable, perfectly shaped to pull on, better than regular zipper tabs most of the time, keyrings are the perfect replacement.

Anytime I see a good key ring, I pop it into my tools pocket for the next failed zipper tab.

I buy all of my bags second hand because if they are missing a zipper tab, they're deemed useless and sold for a couple of dollars even if they're otherwise brand new.

If I need a bag of a specific type, I go around the thrift stores, find the exact bag/suitcase I want that's new but missing a couple zipper tabs, and after I buy it and take it home, throw a couple key rings on and have exactly the bag I want.

I've actually made more than a few connections with people because their suitcases broke and I had an "aha" fix ready to go for them.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by to c/

Maybe the least relevant title to content?

or maybe the title is lost in context since every character is the most unlike they have every been in the series and this book is all about coming to terms and impressing upon the naive that the only choices left to make in war are terrible choices.


everyone dies or you find a few more soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves.

It's pretty difficult watching the game pedantically and repeatedly explain to their parents that the life they thought they had is gone and people are dying and getting hurt. and you can't choose the moral high road unless you're willing to sacrifice others.

and the Animorphs have to hold the line on this reasoning because they're the only ones who really understand where the line is.

This is the controversial (as I remember it) decision to recruit disabled kids to be soldiers, because they're sure that the yeerks don't want any physically disabled bodies.

The ending really shocked me, I figured Cassie was going to kill Tom so that Jake didn't have to, and they could recover the morphing cube, I completely forgot that she bit Jake to slow him down and allow Tom to get away with the morphine cube because of her HUNCH that letting him have the morphing cube with the right thing to do.

that is a brassy hunch.


I've been looking for a simple solution to keep my wallet, phone, and Bluetooth headset dry and secure while I'm swimming, but every waterproof bag was either very tiny, very difficult to open and push things into because of the tacky plastic coating, or expensive and only useful for one purpose.

After scoping out the options at sports stores, I realized I already had a very strong, lightweight polyester day bag so I went bought a large round screw-top container with a rubber gasket and I was done.

easy to put everything in and take everything out, very good seal.

Took it into some crashing waves for an hour with my phone, wallet, and t-shirt inside(and some tissue papers so that I could periodically check if any water was getting in) and the thing works like a charm.

Bonus buoyancy means I can use the container as a small pillow while floating

The water was pretty busy today, but I'll definitely have to try floating again, the neck pillow was very comfortable during the short test runs i was allowed.


i like watching "making-of" or "behind-the-scenes" featurettes and documentaries about the behind the scenes machinations of movie making, but in terms of literature, I'm not sure what to look for if i want to learn about the process Martha wells went through to conceive the murderbot diaries, for example.

i can search for making-of The Matrix and find documentaries, but not making-of project hail Mary and find similar literary results.

is there a section of literature like this?

should i be reading annotated editions?


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I thought that Marco getting his face ripped off was the crazy part of this book but then i read the rest of it.

spoiler major spoilers

Oh dang. All the parents have been told and rescued in dramatic and violent ways, Jake's parents try to kill him, Loren can see, this was another dip dop HELL of a story.

also ax saying that Rachel's sisters think he's a "pokey-man" is pretty funny.




for anyone with the same problem, I add a border until the photo is larger than 1600x2650, at which point you can see the entire photo on the screen, as shown here:

This is one of the dumbest things I deal with on the pixel, although there are a lot of dumb things with this phone.

OP below:

ever since I got the pixel, one of the most frustrating non-Functionalities has been that I have to manually screenshot any picture that I want to make into a wallpaper background because my Google pixel 6 enlarges by about 3x any photo, I choose to make my wallpaper background and cannot make the picture smaller by pinching it smaller.

but now even if I save a screenshot, it blows it up more than 3x and I have to manually add a giant border around the picture in an external app so that the picture itself is much smaller if I want to see the entire picture on my phone wallpaper.

is this just some shitty thing with my phone or do all pixels do this?

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