"I was happy to take credit for your "victories." But did you ever stop to wonder what that says about you? That so many bought what I was selling? They call me a monster and you a hero. The world expects Palawa Joko to dare to throw reality into chaos. But surely no mortal would be so monumentally STUPID as to destroy a dragon, the life force of this world. Let alone two. And a god to boot? Perhaps they will finally thank me for luring you to me...So that I. May save the world. From you."
"I was happy to take credit for your "victories." But did you ever stop to wonder what that says about you? That so many bought what I was selling? They call me a monster and you a hero. The world expects Palawa Joko to dare to throw reality into chaos. But surely no mortal would be so monumentally STUPID as to destroy a dragon, the life force of this world. Let alone two. And a god to boot? Perhaps they will finally thank me for luring you to me...So that I. May save the world. From you."