Why would I vote for libdem?
Because they want to get rid of FPTP and fix immigration, your main two important issues. But it seems like you're adding extra steps now..
Anyways, reading your other comments here, you've confirmed what others already suspected - you don't really want to fix the root issues of immigration, you're just a xenophob.
I don't know if it's your reading comprehension or you're just confused, but I urge you to re-read my comments - I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you clearly made your decision and it doesn't seem to be based on any empirical evidence.
You made some bold claims though and I'm here to challenge you on those.
So my answer is this... If you vote Reform, you're not a leftie. If you vote Farage, you're not a Remainer either. There are other parties who want to reform voting and immigration with better track record, actual councillors and more humane policies.