
joined 1 year ago
[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Real class act, Vance. This is who I want representing all of us. Seems perfectly fit to be 1 heart beat away from president.

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 52 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I wish I had amnesia about it.

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

You know... You can't just say "I liked that keyboard a lot but had to give it away."

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

This was my first keyboard with old school 5pin DIN and everything. I liked it a lot but ended up having to give it away. You see, it was my freshman year of college and had finally made some friends. My roommate however had not. I had suspected there was foul play taking place with my PC because of some things that had gotten moved, so one night I did the surprise pop-in... Quietly walked up to the dorm room for with my keys ready: popped then into the key hole and quickly opened the door... Yes, caught him in the act. It was towards the end of the semester and we did not speak of it again. I didn't use my computer for the rest of the term and left my old keyboard leaning against a wall in the dorm hallway. A freebie of sorts.

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

I vote for this!

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I've never had a meme capture my true essence so completely.


[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Clickety clack, motherfucker!

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Another good decision by Intel execs. /s

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world -2 points 3 days ago

I see some of that rhetoric and I think it's mostly the younger folks. The virility of youth combined with the challenges they are faced with leave everyone more on edge. There are other factors of course, lack of wisdom, Internet anonymity, etc

I don't think violence is a useful tool when fighting against hate groups. It's what they want. Then they have a claim that they are oppressed. You let them make the first move.

That being said, I'm ready to fight back against them at a moment's notice and will use all means. I see the luxuries most of us enjoy (food, electricity, clean water) and hope it never comes to that for all our sake. Our just-in-time economy depends on stability and COVID showed us how easily it can all get fucked up. Out of control violence is one of those ways.

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 49 points 3 days ago (2 children)

See? AI creates jobs! Granted, it's specialized mop up situations, but jobs!

It'll be even more interesting in the future! Every now and then a T1000 will lose all hydraulic fluids right out it's prosthetic anus and they'll need someone there with a mop and bucket! Our economy lives on...

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I'm surprised the 2024 GOP presidential race isn't up there, but I guess they're not done filming.

[–] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Interesting, thank you!


I've seen many tests (we're talking the average retail 4-drop kits) come up with varying degrees of positivity as a person goes through a bout with COVID.

Once they test positive, it's usually coming up with that T indicator long before the C shows to.

However, I've noticed that even that length of time for the T to show can vary. Sometimes it starts faded and fills in but sometimes the line can go full color as soon as the liquid hits it. Other times it may take a while and come up after the C (once closer to getting over it).

My thought here is the virus particles per million in a person's mucus are fluctuating during the course of their sickness and the more virus particles, the faster that bar is going to pop on the COVID test.

So then, is it stupid to think the faster the T shows up, the more infectious a person is with their coughing/sneezing?


I'm further along in the game and have an outpost set up where I can easily dump resources, along with production from other places providing all kinds of resources.

Thing is, what was I supposed to do with it all? I started making quite the tower of solid storage along with a good amount of resources, but 6 stories later, I shut down my mine and disabled the resources coming in from other planets because I got tired of trying to keep up with the intake. I still have more than I know what to do with and even if I start automated production of components, what do I do with that?

Am I missing something?

I mainly just want to dump all the resources from my ship and have most of the stuff when I'm building something (which I do).

Resource drop-off had been sketchy lately. It works sometimes, sometimes not (stuck in the output hopper). Any advice on that would be fantastic.


So I stole 2 ships yesterday and find it to be lots of fun.

I learned some important things and thought I'd share.

  • When you steal a ship, you have to register it which costs about 9.6k. Apparently you can't sell the ships for much more than that, but I haven't tried yet.

  • If you sit in the pilot seat of the ship, you'll see a message about potentially making it your home ship if you take off. If you do not take off in it and just leave, it does not become one of your ships and will disappear if you leave the planet.

  • if there are ecliptic mercs nearby, attempt to steal the ship before killing them. Sometimes you can, sometimes you cannot. If you kill the mercs, the ship takes off.

  • If the ship is sitting there, it may be empty and ripe for the taking. If there's a crew aboard, there may be something you can do (chat with the captain and get something), but most likely you'll piss off your companion if you just "take care" of them.


I don't think there's anything that counts as spoilers here.


Those bricks take time.


Would it be possible to make the NSFW blur customizable? The big red box stands out like a sore thumb and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it a different color or use a graphic or something.

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